1. How should we approach the development of cyber-policy and -infrastructure given the “short arm” of predictive knowledge? In order to approach the development of cyber-policy and infrastructure, we must first understand what is trying to destroy it in the first place. Cybercrime is when a criminal activity is carried out on the internet and through…
ePortfolio #5
1. Describe three ways that computers have made the world safer and less safe. I believe computes are beneficial when it comes to storing data but this two can be harmful. With this being said the use of data encryption allows information that is only supposed to be seen by you possible. Data encryption makes…
ePortfolio #4
What are the costs and benefits of developing cybersecurity programs in business? The cost and benefit to having a cybersecurity program in place not only protects the assets of the company but the team members that work for them as well. Inside of work and outside of work. The prevention and protection is the biggest…
ePortfolio #3
While conducting research, I found that workplace deviance is defined as a means deliberate, malicious attempts to sabotage an organization by causing problems in the workplace. It can also be defined as voluntary behavior that violates significant norms and in so doing threatens the well being of an organization and the workers. Workplace deviance can…
ePortfolio #2
An ethical issue that arises is the privacy and confidentiality issue. This is allowing a company to keep information about an individual, but at times the information is shared. Overall the is a privacy issue because a company is able to have information about an individual and the data is saved on a technological device…
Free Writing Assignment
It’s crazy how much information is placed on the internet about yourself without you knowing. Through multiple sources, I found myself posted on third party pages, my career information, my military service, even my education/families information has been placed on the internet and is easily accessible. I found this on my companies website and just…
ePortfolio #1
My current major is Cybersecurity. Through my research amongst all of the majors offered at Old Dominion University, I have seen that Cybersecurity is a critical component in how the world is operated. It’s essential to have skills in this field in all aspects of technology. Constantly we as humans are tested through the advancement…