SPAN 101

Engaging in Communities

I interviewed a community member in Spanish. I asked them about themselves and things about school like how many classes they had and which were their favorites. I asked about when and where they did certain things. Doing this activity helped me a lot with actually speaking Spanish. It was difficult to ask my interrogative questions at first, but after a few tries I was able to speak more fluently.

Presentational Writing


Interpretive reading

I listened to a video featuring “Lucia” a student in Mexico. She talked about life on campus and what she liked about it. She also talked about places on campus and what she liked to do in them.

Watching this video and doing the activity that went along with it helped a lot with my comprehension skills. Lucia used a lot of words that I’d already seen written or typed out before gave me a better understanding of how they’re actually pronounced. At first, it was a little difficult to understand what she was saying about her campus because she used a few descriptive words that I wasn’t too familiar with. By the time I’d completed the activity I knew a few new descriptive words that I ended up using on a later project. I think hearing her speak and being able to comprehend what she was saying made me a better speaker as well.