While in the Spanish 202 course I felt challenged and learned new things, such as the past perfect, future tense, and subjunctive tense. This is the first time since I started learning Spanish that I have felt challenged, this allowed me to become excited about learning Spanish again. Prior to this course, I would not use outside materials to strengthen my listening and comprehension skills. I believe that was my biggest weakness, not utilizing outside resources and practicing as much as I used to. Another weakness I have noticed is my pronunciation. Due to COVID-19, I did not have the same amount of practice as I did before when classes were in person and I was able to practice with my peers. I was able to overcome these obstacles by making a private playlist on YouTube dedicated to Spanish help videos, creating an account on Spanish Dictionary, and creating my own study guide that compiled all of the notes I have taken since I began learning Spanish.

Exploring Culture
In addition to creating my own study guide and YouTube playlist, I would listen to scary stories told in Spanish with Spanish subtitles. I also watched Caso Cerrado often and have a playlist dedicated to that as well. Through this, I was able to learn the various accents, slang terms, and words used by other Spanish speakers. Caso Cerrado also allowed me to gain insight into the cultures of Spanish-speaking countries and the cultures and cultural practices within certain ethnic groups.
Prior to exposing myself to these resources, I was not aware of the many ethnic groups and their cultures and cultural practices. Learning about cultural practices, spiritual and religious beliefs, and celebrations helped me destroy the idea of a singular culture. While watching or reading about these cultures I learned a spiritual practice some use to rid themselves of mal de Ojo/Energia mala or evil eye/bad energy are called Limpas. This practice is seen in many Latin countries and each has its own way of spiritually cleaning themselves. The practitioners who carry these rituals out are usually women and are called Dona and their name, for example, Dona Maria.

Engaging in Communities
Prior to COVID-19, I had an internship to observe and shadow doctors in Colombia. Unfortunately, I was not able to do the program due to the pandemic. Although I was not able to go in person and shadow doctors due to the pandemic I became friends with native Spanish speakers through the social media app, Tik Tok. Tik Tok not only helped me make connections with my friends but also others who have studied abroad in Spanish-speaking countries, Americans who have moved or worked in Spanish-speaking countries, and Spanish teachers who create videos.
Interpersonal Communication
Using TalkAbroad has always been a good experience. Practicing with a native speaker who does not know me surprisingly helped my nervousness. All of the partners I’ve had were always understanding and patient.
In retrospect, I would like to improve on my pronunciation, encouraging myself to continue the conversation, and describe a word I do not know yet to the best of my ability. I am still working on these obstacles and I see progress every day I continue to work at it.

Presentational Speaking
Presentational Writing
Interpretive Listening
As I stated before, I compiled many playlisted to strengthen my listening and comprehension skills. I use songs, TV shows, and videos to strengthen those skills.

Interpretive Reading
As previously stated, I use subtitles when watching media in Spanish. I also find articles to read in Spanish and occasionally children’s chapter books that are written in Spanish. These methods allow me to evaluate how much I can comprehend and what areas I may need to work on more.