Top five most important Tips out of 11 on shooting handguns better: (all tips are for recreational/competition purposes for this topic.)
Full Firing Grip on the Draw. This is good because having to fix your grip after the draw create reduced sights on target, bad trigger control, high possibility on missing, and the need to fix the grip afterwards adding more time. Having a good grip on the draw mean that all issues and possible issues will be taken out of account because you will already have a steady grip on the handgun, in term this means less things to mess up.
Solid Support Hand Grip. Having a solid support hand comes into play with having a good grip on the draw. The support hand is meant to handle left to right movement and also includes wrist grip because the wrist will help mitigate recoil control. The support hand is meant to also help keep steady sights. The reason this tip is a solid support and not a strong support is because adding too much pressure will add unwanted movement in the barrel which will conclude in missing shots on target.
Carry A Reload. Having an extra magazine is essential. Guns are tools, tools malfunction and some require extra parts to keep functioning. This is why magazines are needed because they carry the ammunition. One, it is nice to have an extra magazine to account for missed shots or the need for more ammo. Second, it is necessary to carry an extra mag because if there is a malfunction there is not always time to take the original magazine out and re install it. If there is a malfunction the first mag is taken out, the malfunction is cleared and the new “reload” is installed.
Cant your pistol. Canting a pistol is basically having it perpendicular to your body and close. The perpendicular is because you want to be able to inspect it, see what you are doing, and assess. Having it in your workspace is because it is easier to perform maneuvers and also easier to handle the weapon. Reloads and slide locks are much more efficient when done within personal workspace vs further out which takes more physical strength and reduces speed.
Be sure of your target and what lies beyond it. This is one of the three firearms safety rules but it is very important because of how pistol ammunition penetrates. Knowing your target means you are willing to destroy it with said weapon. Knowing what is beyond it is more important because in a situation where there is potentially a person, a full metal jacket or training ammunition could go through a target into another. Second is is necessary to know what is beyond your target because there is always a possibility of missing, especially in a high stress situation.