Choose an existing example of the client service project you’re preparing that you believe to be well-executed, and analyze it according to our readings up to this point: how does this example exhibit good page design in how it structures and presents its content?
DCAH_4-Year-Course-Plan_2016_Final_editable-1This is a free four-year high school plan template that shows a tentative schedule on the first page and an empty fillable table on the second. While I would change certain parts of the overall design of this document (color scheme, header image, script fonts), I do think this document is a strong example of how to set up a tentative schedule / fillable table for a college student’s four-year graduation plan, which is my client service project.
Tables and Alignment
Each table is clearly titled with its corresponding year, and the flow of the tables follows a “z” pattern, which aligns most with a user’s natural reading flow. The text within each table also follows a “z” pattern. The alignment of the tables is symmetrical, creating a solid visual balance across the entirety of the document.
Column Heads
The column heads for each table are set apart from the cell entries through the use of color and font size. Making the column heads noticeably larger or smaller than the cell data draws a user’s attention and makes a user curious as to what the purpose of each column is. The blue font color makes it abundantly clear that the headers are not a part of the data being entered, creating a visual distinction that helps users skimming through the document separate their schedule from the table headers.
Font Styles and Cell Borders
The tables use a sans-serif font. This is a wise design choice because sans-serif fonts maximize available space and make it easier to scan vertically down columns. There is also a clear separation between rows and between columns because the template uses colored cell borders. This separation keeps cell entries from visually “blending together”, increasing how scannable the document is.
Available Resources
Lastly, the template itself offers two versions of the four-year plan: an example schedule using courses typically offered, and a fully blank template that users can edit for themselves. While I will have to choose one of these options for my client service project, I appreciate that this template has made both resources available to users because it’s very helpful to have a completed example to reference and a blank template to customize.