CYSE201S Journal Entry (7) Cybersecurity Memes

Review the following ten photos through a cybersecurity human systems integration framework.
Create a meme explaining what is going on in the individual’s or individuals’ mind(s).
Explain how your memes relate to Human Systems Integration.

This meme shows how easily people feel secure on a surface level and don’t understand that security on the internet goes deeper than the physical world.
Often times people that fall for social engineering hacks will have the mindset that people won’t lie about having the authority that they have. Sadly, this mindset makes them the ideal target.
Free wifi isn’t always bad, but it is better to always enter important information/logins on a private secure network.
VPNs help with overall security, but they do not completely cover some from being visible.
Many people like having their passwords wherever they go and writing them in a notebook appear clunky and unnecessary. However, it is very easy to hack into a system and steal information from a text file, making all of the passwords stored high risk.
Many people are liars on the internet and under no means should some give an untrusted person or website sensitive information even if a lot of ‘money’ is on the table.
With the rise of crypto, many scams around social media involve them and trap people in the false services that are being provided.
At a base technology is a powerful tool whoever the weaker the person behind the tool the weaker the tool becomes in means of safeguarding technology.
Even though it is everywhere that people need to have complex passwords many people still go for the convenience factor of a simple easy to remember password.
When taking or sending an image the IP address of the photo can and will link back to the device taking it. Therefore take pictures of the happy memories.

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