What do I hope to gain from the 23 Things program?
I don’t know much of anything about computers, or blogging or having my own website. I was given a task in the fall 2019 semester to make my own ePortfolio, given that I got a new job in the ePortfolio studio. But I had no clue where to start. Even after having an appointment with one of the assistants that works in the office, I still had no motivation to really start working on one. I’m hoping that the 23 Things program will really help get me more involved in my workplace, and give me more motivation to continuously update my ePortfolio.
My thoughts on Old Dominion University’s Social Media Guidelines for Staff, Students, and Researchers
I didn’t know that ODU had a physical page dedicated to what you can and can’t have on a social media page. ODU’s guidelines are to make sure that any account affiliated with the university upholds the reputation that ODU has. The guidelines are in place because ODU wants to make sure that anyone looking in to specific colleges, sports teams or clubs affiliated with ODU represent the university in a positive way.
I think that the guidelines that ODU has in place are reasonable, but one of the things that stood out to me was the fact that your profile picture has to be chosen from one of the profile pictures that ODU has given you. It makes sense though, it gives the viewer a sense of unity through all of the various social media pages affiliated with ODU.