Task 2 Questions

Task 2 Draft Questions 

1. How does “on Call work” for the workers?

2. In what way are services offered to a client when they come in strictly off a referral and not a CPS case?

3. How are things handled if a client denies services from DSS?

4. How can a worker better work with a client who is apprehensive about services in their home?

5. How long do voluntary cases usually last in the unit?

Final Questions

Reason for evaluation is to advocate for both clients and workers that are involved with this unit. If the workers are doing their job clients should not be on a CPS caseload with the same issues they came into the prevention unit with. Clients should also have a good relationship with their workers to better prevent clients from coming into a CPS Family Assessment or Investigation.

I gave a small explanation beside the questions so others not yet engulfed in this world can better understand what I am looking for. 

  1. How does “On- Call” work for the workers? (advocation of workers, over-worked/undertrained?)
  2.  In what way are services offered to a client when they come in strictly off a referral and not a CPS case? (approach to clients when they are clearly in need of services but cannot be forced)
  3. What happens when a client voluntarily accepts services from DSS? (What’s offered first)
  4. How are things handled if a client denies services from DSS? (What’s the process look like)
  5. Is there any further involvement in the home after multiple referrals are denied or do you try again? (follow up to previous question)
  6. How can a worker better work with a client who is apprehensive about services in their home? (access to training and protection)
  7. How long do voluntary cases usually last in the unit? (explanatory as CPS normally doesn’t have anything longer than 3 months if law enforcement or a death is not involved)