Study Habits
This semester I’ve been doing well in Statistics (130M) and Biology Lab (122N). I’ve always understood math and how to solve problems, so statistics has been surprisingly easy. My biology lab is going well because I’m interested in it, and the TA is very helpful and understanding. I definitely could use more assistance in Chemistry (105N & 106N) and Biology (121N). It’s very hard to balance both of these courses at the same time, especially with the additional labs. However, I made changes to help balance my workload. I do all my course homework on Monday and if I have time, begin taking notes. Tuesday, I focus on Chemistry lecture and lab, so I do notes and post lab. I do notes for Biology on Wednesday and prepare for my biology lab. On Thursday and Friday, I take a break and just attend my classes. I also like to spend time on the weekends to study and prepare for the new week. I’ve also joined some study groups and attend review sessions that either TA’s or Professor conduct.
Transition to College
When I first came into college, I was expecting to be a natural at it and continue my regular daily life. For example, I would get up for every class, understand the material, do my assignments, go to the gym, take care of myself, and pass all of my classes with an “A”. Unfortunately, this isn’t my reality. I find myself being more stressed and overwhelmed by school than ever. I can’t commit to everything I want to do without falling behind in classes. However, I’m experimenting to find a schedule that works for me and still allows me to have a work-life balance. I am surprised by how many new people I’ve met and enjoyed their company. Everyone has a purpose here and wants to succeed, which has been an awesome experience. I definitely miss home. I found that food has been my toughest obstacle with moving away from home. I have many allergens and the food provided here isn’t that selective, so I find myself eating out a lot or simply not eating enough. My easiest obstacle I overcame was being stuck here; I brought my car down and ever since I haven’t been home. It is much easier to stay here over the weekend with a car because I’m able to do stuff off campus that I would do at home.
I didn’t know that you have to complete three required science courses in order to apply for the dental hygiene program. When I learned that, I found myself being relieved because I knew I was making good progress with my classes. My feelings about my major hasn’t changed, I still feel confident about dental hygiene and that being the right step for me. I know if I don’t get into the dental hygiene program, I will switch my major to Public Health because it has all the required courses I would need for dental school, which is my ending goal.
Connecting to Campus
I’ve been having trouble with Chemistry and the science tutoring resource center has been a great help. I’ve only been once, but that one session taught me more than any class has. I need to understand what I’m doing or I won’t perform correctly. My roommate and friends have been a big support this semester. They push me to do my best and help me realize what a privilege it is to be here, so without them I would probably transfer. I haven’t found a club I’m interested in yet, but I am attending an orientation for Pre-Health Advisor, which will help make connections with future health care workers and keep me on track with dental school.
Themester: Sustainability (Environment)
I wasn’t able to attend Dr. Hawkins and Dr. Hoglund speeches about sustainability because I was in class. However, I do know some forms of sustainable practices, like recycling paper and plastic, eliminating energy, water, and food waste, using glass containers instead of plastic and decomposing. I want to start participating in decomposing and conserving energy. It’s important that we take care of our environment and start being more environmentally conscious. I would like to learn how sustainability involving the environment will approve other aspects, like mental health, physical health, and poverty.