Infographic Explanation Essay

Aaron Hernandez 

Professor Beth Backes


April 1, 2021


The paper I decided to turn into an infographic was my problem-solution essay. I picked this paper because I knew this could become an awesome infographic and how my problem-solution essay was set up was the best choice for me.  In that paper, I had given tips on how to overcome and how to deal with ADHD. In this essay, I will explain my design choices and also explain my writing choices.

For my design, I wanted to go with colors that conveyed joy and fun and decided to take a playful and semi-serious approach to my infographic. For my color palette, I went with colors that represented ADHD to go with the theme. I decided to use most of the space for pictures and had 6 main points throughout the infographic. I used my favorite type of designed and staggered my points and made them flow into each other. I believe that this helps the reader when reading the infographic because it guides your eyes down the list. For the background, I went with a dark black so that my color pallet would pop out. This also helps bring attention to the piece and it draws your eyes to the pictures and bright white words. I also didn’t go crazy with the words and pictures because that can often be overwhelming the viewer and have the opposite effect of what I wanted. At the top, I used big bold white words to draw the viewer’s eyes to the main topic of this piece “ 6 tips to help deal with ADHD”.  

For my graphic choice, I went with cartoon pictures that were visually appealing and bright. I didn’t use any graphs or tables in my infographic because it didn’t fit in well with what I was going for. I decided to go with cartoons and bright colors instead because that made the infographic look more visually appealing. This also helps bring your eyes to the infographic and gives off friendly and happy vibes. A picture I used was a brain surrounded by words to help show ADHD and continue on the same theme. I also used a picture of people standing together to help illustrate support groups. For sports, I used a soccer ball and for getting active I used a picture of cartoon people running, 

All of these pictures have similar color pallets and have a simple design. This helps not overwhelm the viewer and helps the infographic flow.

For my word choice for my infographic, I used a lot of the third person to help reach a more diverse group. Even though I wrote my problem solution essay in the second person I believed that writing my infographic in the third person would be the best option. Throughout my infographic, I showed that these options may not work for them but giving it a try could potentially help. I did this because I know a lot of people may not play sports or do yoga but simply going out with some friends and playing anything could be a good way to clear their head.

Work Cited

This assignment has was my favorite one we have done so far. This is because I got to be creative and design an infographic which I used to do in high school.  This assignment allowed my creativity to flow freely and once I started I continued to tweak every little thing. I think it came together beautifully and I hope you will enjoy seeing it. This paper was relatively easy compared to the others because I was just explaining my creation and the thought process behind it. This assignment was also very personnel because I battle with ADHD every day and I actually use all of these tips throughout my daily life. This assignment has made me think about the things that have helped me get through work and homework.  The easiest part of this paper was explaining my design and color choices. Throughout this piece, I chose to use certain illustrations and a certain color pallet. Something I have to work on is my word choice and trying not to repeat myself as much. Honestly, I struggle with word choice but throughout this class, I have felt better about writing and I have found to actually enjoy writing.  Something I thought I would never say but I have honestly come to enjoy this class. I have been using to find synonyms and find other words to use instead.  I also enjoy the way you break down the paragraphs and use some examples on how to write the thesis or certain parts. This has helped me tremendously thank you so much.