Active Research Projects

Current research projects focus on enhancing the reach, efficacy, and cost-effectiveness of existing alcohol interventions for young adult college students:

Refining Boosters to Strengthen Online College Student Drinking Interventions
Principal Investigator: Abby Braitman, PhD
Funding Source: NIAAA (K01 AA023849)
The goal of this series of studies is to streamline and improve the efficacy of an innovative booster designed to strengthen and extend the effects of a computerized intervention targeting college drinking. We focus on content, framing, and timing of the emailed booster, as well as social mechanisms of change.

The Alcohol Etiology Treatment & Other Health Behaviors lab is also involved in several collaborative projects, including examining risk factors and processes for excessive alcohol use in other high-risk populations:

Examining binge eating in daily life: Working toward reducing obesity disparities in racially Diverse lesbian and heterosexual women
Principal Investigator: Kristin Heron, PhD
Braitman Role: Co-Investigator
Funding Source: NIMHD (R01 MD012598)
This study uses ecological momentary assessment (EMA) to examine associations between affective, social, health behavior, and sexual minority-specific factors and binge eating in the daily lives of racially diverse young adult lesbian and heterosexual women.

Completed Research Projects

Alcohol Use, Relationship Factors, Minority Stress, and Psychological Well-Being: A Daily Process Examination among Young Adult Females
Principal Investigator: Robin J. Lewis, PhD
Braitman Role: Co-Investigator
Funding Source: NIAAA (R15 AA020424)
This study examines how alcohol use is associated with relationship factors, sexual minority stress, and negative affect in young adult female same-sex couples.  Using up to 14 days of online daily diary surveys, we are examining how person-level factors and daily interactions contribute to drinking among female same-sex couples.

Behavioral Mechanisms Mediating Enhanced Online Interventions for College Drinkers
Principal Investigator: Abby Braitman, PhD
Funding Source: NIAAA (F32 AA021310)
This study employed emailed boosters in a randomized, controlled trial in an effort to improve the efficacy of an existing, popular, free online intervention, Alcohol 101 Plus. These boosters provided succinct, personalized feedback, and provided reminders of protective behavioral strategies (PBS). The project explored potential mediating mechanisms of change.