
Place some information about yourself on this page. You might include some background details, what your current goals are, or your status within your coursework. If you’re comfortable, also include a photo of yourself (consider “wrapping the text” around this image to make the most effective use of space). Think of the Home page as the first meeting people will have with your digital identity. Make a good impression!

To start, view our quick guides on WordPress theme layouts and using the privacy settingsAdditional tutorials are available here.

Remember, for the LeADERS program you can only apply one course per experience to count towards LeADERS; check your DegreeWorks to verify your LeADERS courses. Furthermore, please be sure to remove pages provided for LeADERS experiences you do not participate in from the portfolio’s main menu, so that you do not leave the program with empty pages. Tutorials addressing how to add and remove pages are available here.

 For more information on the LeADERS ePortfolio process, support, and model student LeADERS ePortfolios, please visit the LeADERS eP website.

Be sure to remove the instructional language when you have completed updating content on this page.