CYSE 425W Cybersecurity Strategy and Policy

Course Grade Received: B+

Course Description: This course explores cybersecurity policy and strategy and introduces students to the essentials of strategy development and policymaking in cybersecurity. Topics considered include planning principles in cyber strategy; risk management and cybersecurity policy; the connections between cybersecurity policies, businesses, and governmental institutions; the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to develop and implement cybersecurity policy; the social, political, and ethical implications that arise in cybersecurity policies and strategies; strategies to assess cybersecurity policy; and the ties between national security and cybersecurity policy.

Course Objectives: By the end of the course, the students will be able to:
> Describe the goal and structure of a national security strategy
> Critically communicate the political and social implications that arise with cybersecurity
policies and strategies.
> Compare and interpret cybersecurity policy issues and make recommendations on policy
> Identify international cyber crisis management and conflict resolution mechanisms.
> Debate ethical issues that arise with cybersecurity policies
> Identify possible developments in cybersecurity strategy and policy.
> Assess cybersecurity strategy and policy, describe policy implications, and make policy
recommendations in the form of a scholarly paper.

Course Materials
