Blog 1

Day one of class and I already have to think about what I want out of this course and what I want to gain from it. Critical thinking skills that I hope to gain from this course will allow me to gain insight on how to approach or handle situations with people in general. I know that different cultures expect and express a different level of politeness and respect; however, I would like to know how theory and research play apart in what I will observe over this class period and beyond.

I hope to gain a better understanding of the American culture as well as those abroad. I want to see if there is a common psychological bond to the human race or is it really solely based on culture, values and beliefs. Is it how we are socialized into the world or what we make social about ourselves that makes a difference in what and how we perceive things.

I do not have any intended strategies for this class to ensure a successful outcome for this class. I do plan to do my work in an efficient manner and I hope to put my best abilities into my work so the work is recognized.





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