The Ph-IRES program has ended and will not be accepting applications for 2025.

Philippines International Research Experience for Students

In the Philippines International Research Experience for Students project (Ph-IRES), 15 U.S. undergraduates (5/year) will spend 6-8 weeks at Silliman University (SU) conducting independent research with Filipino mentors. Projects will explore conservation biology and molecular ecology of aquatic and terrestrial species. Potential projects include:

  • genetic barcoding to document fish diversity
  • life history studies to examine how fishing pressure influences how fish grow and reproduce
  • genetic studies to see how fish populations connect with one another
  • conservation genetics of freshwater or threatened terrestrial animals

Benefits of the program include:

  • Students will live and work in Dumaguete, Philippines for 6-8 weeks during Summer 2024 and work with faculty mentors from Silliman University (SU). Students will continue to work with SU and US mentors after the summer program to prepare their work for presentation and publication.
  • Summer stipend of $5000
  • Transportation to/from Philippines or US Universities and all room and board covered by program
  • Travel to annual SACNAS National Diversity in STEM Conference to present summer research


Students will be involved in an immersive international research experience that emphasizes collaboration among cultures and development of world-class skills. Ph-IRES is open to undergraduate students of sophomore or greater standing who are citizens or permanent residents of the United States and who will be enrolled in a degree-seeking undergraduate program until at least August 2024.

Ph-IRES is supported by NSF project award #1952521 to D. Gauthier (Old Dominion University) and C. Bird (Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi)