This was called Halloween Silent Night. It was extremely fun as you see, everyone wore headphones and can switch through 3 different channels with songs.This was Veterans Day, outside the Webb center.A Super fun Black remixer, where students come together to make equality around the campus.
My college algebra teacher, always helpful in and outside of class, to answer any questions regarding the subject.The e-portfolio assisstant, Ta’Niyah, helping me set my portfolio up, so nice!My health instructor and adviser giving me good insight on classes that would be good to take next semester.
A sustainability Photo challenge at Owens house. I submitted a picture of my recycling and receive a water bottle and a tote bag!Karaoke Night at Owens, and some ways to relieve stress with music therapy. Paint Night, so peaceful and relaxing as we relief and express ourselves through Art therapy.A small helpful resource for finals in Owens Lobby. We made a goodie bag with snacks, pencils, scantron sheets, and more.
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