Airsoft is similar to real steel (actual firearms). Training with a simple ar-15 is costly. The recommended amount of ammunition to have for training is about a thousand rounds a week for an intense shooter. That would cost up to 400 dollars per thousand rounds and today a thousand rounds are going for 850 for a thousand. This is why airsoft is a great resource!
Airsoft retains most mechanics that a real firearm has besides the fact that it shoots plastic bb’s versus lead. There are also bb guns which have the same blowback and function as real firearms which are great to practice with in safe environments. In term it is much cheaper as you can buy 25,000 bb’s for about 25 dollars. You don’t get recoil and it is not super accurate so it is basically great for dry fire practice, reloading, drills, and practicing firearm safety.
Real firearms are considered “dangerous” to our society now and not viewed as tools anymore. Airsoft can translate to many beginners or people that are afraid of firearms because they are more forgiving and non lethal other than damaging an eye without eye protection. Airsoft guns should be used for new shooters and for civilians to have proper training at a young age to make firearms normal in society.
If every person in the US receive the same training and carried firearms on them, not meant to kill others, but instead as a deterrent for crime. Crime would go down immensely. It should be forced that people own guns and exercise their 2nd amendment right because criminals are not going to want to perform criminal acts when they realize every person can and will defend themselves against a threat to themselves or another citizen. Many criminal acts are committed in gun free zones so this would make a huge impact. Airsoft would be a great stepping stone towards this direction because people will enjoy it and not be so afraid.
Airsoft is also a sport where people can shoot bb’s at each other. This creates integrity, (doing the right thing when nobody is looking) better manipulation, and better firearm safety around people. Training with airsoft guns is highly recommended if anyone is interested in getting into shooting real steel firearms and wants to save their money as well.
Airsoft is similar to real steel (actual firearms). Training with a simple ar-15 is costly. The recommended amount of ammunition to have for training is about a thousand rounds a week for an intense shooter. That would cost up to 400 dollars per thousand rounds and today a thousand rounds are going for 850 for a thousand. This is why airsoft is a great resource!
Airsoft retains most mechanics that a real firearm has besides the fact that it shoots plastic bb’s versus lead. In term it is much cheaper as you can buy 25,000 bb’s for about 25 dollars. You don’t get recoil and it is not super accurate so it is basically great for dry fire practice, reloading, drills, and practicing firearm safety.
Real firearms are considered “dangerous” to our society now and not viewed as tools anymore. Airsoft can translate to many beginners or people that are afraid of firearms because they are more forgiving and non lethal other than damaging an eye without eye protection. Airsoft guns should be used for new shooters and for civilians to have proper training at a young age to make firearms normal in society.
If every person in the US receive the same training and carried firearms on them, not meant to kill others, but instead as a deterrent for crime. Crime would go down immensely. It should be forced that people own guns and exercise their 2nd amendment right because criminals are not going to want to perform criminal acts when they realize every person can and will defend themselves against a threat to themselves or another citizen. Many criminal acts are committed in gun free zones so this would make a huge impact. Airsoft would be a great stepping stone towards this direction because people will enjoy it and not be so afraid.