WordPress Blog 5

Throughout the semester the assignments and readings have really helped me to understand design principles. I utilized proximity in a lot of my designs, and in the Client Service Project, I used boxes to create spaces within my document to define what information was in which box.

I found working with my peers and the feedback loop of UX testing both to be very useful. I made a lot of important changes and refined a lot of my design for my client service project because of the feedback. While I didn’t cut any of my information, I did refine it, and I think I helped to quiet how much is going on in my flyer.

This class has helped to prepare me for my future in a lot of different ways. Right now, I want to go into academia, and study literature. Within that, I’ll likely have to be an advisor for students, teach classes to them, and design documents for all those purposes–whether it’s study guides, course lists, or even just a plain presentation for class. Knowing how to effectively guide my audience’s attention and meet their needs for the rhetorical situations will help me to ensure the success of my future students and colleagues.