
Existing face recognition techniques, which typically require a large set of training images of individual faces for creating a feature database, are not feasible for many applications when these multiple training images in various poses and illuminations are not available. In fact, the most typical scenario is to be able to robustly recognize faces, even though only one or a very small number of training images are available, and these training images were acquired under significantly different lighting and pose conditions. Motivated by human visual perception, which remains robust despite these difficulties, a feature-based face recognition system, largely independent of pose and lighting, is being explored and developed. A multidimensional feature matrix representing multiple views of the individual will be created using face regions detected from images captured by three surveillance cameras placed at orthogonal locations. A similarity search between this feature matrix and feature vectors in a distributed database will result in the identification of one of its vectors, which represents a face in a particular pose or illumination. In order to accommodate worldwide searches from databases distributed on different servers in a variety of organizations and offices within an organization, new network routing techniques will be developed and integrated with the search. A typical scenario is the verification of individuals at the immigration gate at an international airport. The details of an individual could be popped up in the immigration officer’s computer before the individual reaches the officer’s desk from an international flight, by performing a search in all the connected servers around the world with the feature matrix generated by three images captured by the surveillance cameras. The details of this individual if he/she is convicted anywhere in the world could be made available to the officer’s computer by the networked feature search technique. If in a particular situation, there is no data popped up in the computer, it could be considered as a case where the individual is in disguise and he/she could be checked more intensively by another group of experts.

VIPS – Vision Lab Project Demonstrations