Cybersecurity Ethics

This course examines ethical issues relevant to ethics for cybersecurity professionals, including privacy, professional code of conduct, practical conflicts between engineering ethics and business practices, individual and corporate social responsibility, ethical hacking, information warfare, and cyberwarfare. Students will gain a broad understanding of central issues in cyberethics and the ways that fundamental ethical theories relate to these core issues.

Course Material

Case Analysis (User Data)

To complete this ePortfolio page, you should retain the paragraph above, but delete the rest, from this sentence on. Replace this with your End-of-Course Reflection assignment, and create two or more child pages to this page for at least two or more of the Case Analyses you produced through the semester. Don’t just upload all of them—think about which (1) are most relevant to your pathway through the program; (2) are most relevant to your career path, and of most interest to potential employers; and (3) best represent your best work!

Once completed, verify that your WordPress site is set to be visible to other ODU (or public) users, and email your site URL to your PHIL 355E course instructor. Assessment will take place according to the rubric above with the additional requirements (A.) that instructions on the main PHIL 355E page are completed, and (B.) that two or more Case Analyses have been uploaded as child pages to the PHIL 355E page.

Here is a short tutorial showing you how to create child pages for your Case Analyses.