Pascal, S.M. (2008) NMR primer: An HSQC-based approach (with vector animations), IM publications, LLP. (animations by Jennie M. McKelvie), 129 pages.


Dingley, A.J. and Pascal, S.M., editors (2011) Advances in Biomedical Spectroscopy volume 3: Biomolecular NMR Spectroscopy, IOS press, 471 pages.


Forman-Kay, J.D., Pascal, S., Singer, A.U., Yamazaki, T., Zhang, O., Farrow, N.A., and Kay, L.E. (1996). Structural, Dynamic, and Folding Studies of SH2 and SH3 Domains. NMR as a Structural Tool for Macromolecules (pp. 35-47). Springer US.

SELECTED JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS  (** over 3700 citations **)

  1. Raut KK, Ponniah K, Pascal SM. (2021) Structural Analysis of the cl-Par-4 Tumor Suppressor as a Function of Ionic Environment. Biomolecules, 11(3).

  2. Bowitch A, Sahoo A, Clark AM, Ntangka C, Raut KK, Gollnick P, Yu MC, Pascal SM, Walker SE, Ferkey DM. (2021) Methylation of the D2 dopamine receptor affects binding with the human regulatory proteins Par-4 and Calmodulin. MicroPublicaions in Biology, Feb 9.

  3. Pascal SM, Garimella R, Warden M, Ponniah K (2020) Structural biology of the enterovirus replication-linked 5′-clover leaf RNA and associated virus proteins. Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews, 84(2).

  4. Wortman MJ, Dagdanova1 AV, Clark AM, Godfrey EW, Pascal SM, Johnson EM, Daniel DC. (2020). A Synthetic Pur-based Peptide Binds and Alters G-quadruplex Secondary Structure Present in the Expanded RNA Repeat of C9orf72 ALS/FTD. BBA Molecular Cell Research, February 6.
  5. Clark, A. M., Ponniah, K., Warden, M. S., Raitt, E. M., Smith, B. G., and Pascal, S. (2019). Tetramer formation by the caspase-activated fragment of the Par-4 tumor suppressor. FEBS Journal, 286, pp. 4060-4073.
  6. Warden, MS, Cai, K, Cornilescu, G, Burke, JE, Ponniah, K, Butcher, SE, and Pascal, SM (2019) Conformational Flexibility in the Enterovirs RNA Replication Platform. RNA, 25, 376-387.
  7. Clark, A. M., Ponniah, K., Warden, M. S., Raitt, E. M., Yawn, A. C., and Pascal, S.M. (2018). pH-induced Folding of the Caspase-cleaved Par-4 Tumor Suppressor: Evidence of Structure Outside of the Coiled Coil Domain. Biomolecules, 8 (4), (pp. 162(17)).
  8. Abdelrasoul, M., Ponniah, K., Mao, A., Warden, M. S., Elhefnawy, W., Li, Y., and Pascal, S. M. (2017) Conformational Clusters of Phosphorylated Tyrosine. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 139, 17632−17638
  9. Meghan S. Warden, Marco Tonelli, Gabriel Cornilescu, Dong Liu, Lorelei J Hopersberger, Komala Ponniah, and Steven M. Pascal. (2017) Structure of RNA Stem Loop B from the Picornavirus Replication Platform. Biochemistry, ASAP, 10.1021/acs.biochem.7b00141
  10. Sharp, J. A., Hair, P. S., Pallera, H. K., Kumar, P. S., Mauriello, C. T., Nyalwidhe, J. O., Phelps, C. A., Park, D., Thielens, N. M., Pascal, S. M., Chen, W., Duffy, D. M., Lattanzio, F. A., Cunnion, K. M., and Krishana, N. K. (2015). Peptide Inhibitor of Complement C1 (PIC1) Rapidly Inhibits Complement Activation after Intravascular Injection in Rats. PLOS
  11. Wessam Elhefnawy, Adam Boudion, Erich O’Saben, Maha Abdelaal, Steven M. Pascal, and Yaohang Li (2015) Structural Analysis and Prediction of Protein Phosphorylation Sites, Proceedings, 11th International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications 
  12. Suzuki, R., Irie, R., Harntaweesup, Y., Tachibana, K., Holland, P. T., Harwood, D. T., Shi, F., Beuzenberg, V., Itoh, Y., Pascal, S. M. et al. (2014). Brevisulcatic Acids, Marine Ladder-Frame Polyethers from the Red Tide Dinoflagellate Karenia brevisulcata in New Zealand. Organic Letters, 16, (pp. 1580-1583).
  13. Holland PT, Shi  F, Satake M, Hamamoto Y, Ito E, Beuzenberg V, McNabb P, Munday R, Briggs L, Truman P, Gooneratne R, Edwards P, Pascal, SM. (2012) Novel toxins produced by the dinoflagellate Karenia brevisulcata, Harmful Algae, 13, 47-57.
  14. Venugopal, H., Edwards, PJ, Schwalbe, M, Claridge, JK, Libich, DS, Stepper, J, Loo, T, Patchett, ML, Norris, GE, Pascal, SM (2011) Structural, dynamic, and chemical characterization of a novel S-glycosylated Bacteriocin, Biochemistry ASAP
  15. Headey, S.J., MacAskill, U.K., Wright, M.A., Claridge, J.K., Edwards,P.J.B., Farley, P.C., Christeller, J.T., Laing, W.A., Pascal, S.M. (2010) The solution structure of the squash aspartic acid proteinase inhibitor (SQAPI) and mutational analysis of pepsin inhibition, J. Biol. Chem. 285, 27019-27025. 
  16. Schwalbe, M., Dutta, K., Libich, D.S., Venugopal, H., Claridge, J.K., Gell, D.A, Mackay, J.P., Edwards, P.J.B., Pascal, S.M. (2010) Two-state Conformational Equilibrium in the Par-4 Leucine Zipper Domain, PROTEINS: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics 78, 2433-2449.
  17. Sun, X., Jones, W.T., Harvey, D., Edwards, P.J.B., Pascal, S.M., Kirk, C., Considine, T., Sheerin, D.J., Rakonjac, J., Oldfield, C.J., Xue, B., Dunker, A.K., Uversky, V.N. (2010) N-terminal domains of Della proteins are intrinsically unstructured in the absence of interaction with GID1 GA receptors. Biol. Chemistry 285, 11557-11571. 
  18. Libich S., Schwalbe, M., Kate, S., Venugopal, H., Claridge, J.K., Edwards, P.J., Dutta, K and Pascal, S.M. (2009) Intrinsic disorder and coiled coil formation in Prostate Apoptosis Response Factor 4, FEBS J., 276(14), 4134-4152.
  19. Claridge, J.K., Heady, S.J., Chow, J., Schwalbe, M., Edwards, P.J., Jeffries, C.M., Venugopal, H., Trewhella, J., Pascal, S.M. (2009) A picornaviral loop-to-loop replication complex, Journal of Structural Biology 166, 251-262.
  20. Headey, SJ, Huang, H, Claridge, JK, Soares, GA, Dutta, K, Schwalbe, M, Yang, D, Pascal, SM (2007) NMR structure of stem–loop D from human rhinovirus-14 RNA 13(3), 351-360.
  21. Wu, J. Fan, J.S., Pascal, S.M., Yang, D. (2004) General Method for Suppression of Diagonal Peaks in Heteronuclear-Edited NOESY Spectroscopy Am. Chem. Soc. ASAP Article.
  22. Dutta, K., Engler, F.A., Cotton, L., Alexandrov, A., Bedi, G.S., Colquhoun, J., Pascal, S.M. (2003) Stabilization of a pH-sensitive apoptosis-linked coiled coil through single point mutations, Protein Science, 12(2), 257-265.
  23. Huang, H., Alexandrov, A., Chen, X.Y., Barnes, T.W., Zhang, H., Dutta, K., and Pascal, S.M. (2001) Solution structure of an RNA hairpin from HRV-14. Biochemistry, 40, 8055 –8064.
  24. Dutta, K., Alexandrov, A., Huang, H., Pascal, S.M. (2001) pH-Induced Folding of an Apoptotic Coiled Coil. Protein Science, 10, 2531-2540.
  25. Pascal, SM, Singer, AU, Gish, G, Yamazaki, T, Shoelson, SE, Pawson, T, Kay, LE, and Forman-Kay, JD (1994). Nuclear magnetic resonance structure of an SH2 domain of phospholipase C-gamma 1 complexed with a high affinity binding peptide. Cell 77:461-472.