In the last chapter something that really interested me was conformity because it talks about the way how people form into society. Conformity is the pressure of society and that’s why I’ve been interested in nonconformity as well because it talks about how people can form outside of normal society in their own little groups or cliques. Nothing is wrong with conformity because it is the normal way of society.
The reason I chose this picture is because I feel like it shows a good example of conformity because it shows the same people. When I say the same people I mean they’re dressed the same and organized in their work as people would be in society. I got this picture from a langmaid practice site where they were using this picture to show social conformity as well.
ATA3: Proximity
In the last chapter something that intrigued me a lot was proximity. I’ve always been intrigued in the idea of it but never quite knew the right term for it and I couldn’t define it. Proximity always interested me because originally I thought it was going off the distance to keep people together but its like how close you are to the person physically in a sense. This can also go off the probability that those people who made initial contact will continue to meet repeatedly and be attracted to one another. It also says in the book that it depend how interact and acquire more information about them.
The reason why I selected this image is because I feel like this shows how proximity can very important. I say this because there are thing that also play a part in this which is physical attraction to the person. You cant just make someone like you from being around them, their feelings have to be genuine. In addition to that the people must find out that they are similar in some way or they would be no real attraction I think.
ATA2: Potraits
ATA1: Representativeness heuristic