Course Reflection

I will admit, I do not know if this class helped all that much with “learning and utilizing the language teaching skills” gained from the lessons in this course that would help me move forward in learning new languages myself. However, you did point that out, so it is not exactly something that was unexpected. Though, I absolutely did learn about how to write a good lesson plan. I thought lesson planning was something that was extremely hard, and that I was going to have a lot of trouble with trying to formulate one. After all, the biggest complaint I have heard from teachers is doing lesson planning. So I was actually surprised when the assignment came around and I did not have much trouble with it. Of course, it was not perfect, but it turned out so much better than I had imagined. That makes me a little excited to be able to write a decent lesson plan. I have no idea when I will ever utilize that skill, but I have it now. Ideally, you would want a student to have met ALL objectives placed in the syllabus, but I am going to be completely honest. My skills are very weak when it comes to some of these objectives (for example, I still am not the best in creating specific activities that might benefit a class). Regardless of that, I still learned a lot that could be useful going forward. I think one of the most meaningful things I learned this semester was the whole lesson plan process. I absolutely enjoyed that more than I thought I would. Now this is not to say I want to become a teacher, because I am still absolutely sure I do not. But I would not mind doing another lesson plan. I also enjoyed learning about the different teaching methods (such as CLT). I mean overall this class was enjoyable. It was a nice change of pace from my other English classes, but it also overlapped with them as well. I think I will stick with Linguistics, though.