Engineers and Safer Networks

Cybersecurity framework is used to integrate industry standards and best practices to help manage cybersecurity risks for different organizations. This framework is important for organizations to understand the ever-changing cybersecurity risks and threats. Organizations can also use this framework to help them respond and recover from incidents that arise, while also helping them to analyze how the incidents happen and how they can make improvements going forward. The NIST cybersecurity framework is divided into 5 core functions: identify, protect, detect, respond, and recover. These core functions are used to contribute to the building of strong business foundations and help identify cybersecurity compliance gaps and requirements. Each function has its own function. The identify function is where the groundwork for cybersecurity related actions are laid. The organization must determine what already exists and risks that are associated with those environments and how they coincide with the business and its’ goals. The Protect function has the purpose of developing and implementing safeguards to limit or contain potential cybersecurity events. This is a bit more of a proactive part of the framework than the identify function, which is more of obtaining a baseline and monitoring. The next function, detect, is what enables an organization to discover or “detect” a cybersecurity event in a timely manner. This function is very important because the faster a cybersecurity event is detected, the faster it can be mitigated. The fourth function in the cybersecurity framework is respond. The Respond function is used to develop and implement appropriate activities to take action when a cybersecurity incident is detected. This function can be seen as one that needs continuous improvement through analysis of the cybersecurity events and how it can be done more efficiently for future events. Lastly, the Recover function is where the organization needs to develop activities that allow them to restore any impaired capabilities due to the cybersecurity event. This function is imperative in supporting a timely recovery to normal operations of an organization. With these five core functions, an organization can run efficiently, while also allowing them to be prepared for the ever-changing cybersecurity world.

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