Ethical Issues

In my opinion the largest risks and challenges revolve around data security and making the internet available to everyone who needs it. Several of the risks we have today regarding information safety and storage. Before IoT documents for record keeping were kept in filing cabinets, etc. Therefore, the only worries were the potential hazards such as the building catching on fire, someone leaking information from the inside, misplacing documents, and any other act of nature or human error. In the online world where everyone and everything is connected the struggle to key data more secure grows each day. According to Forbes, “Not all data loss events are the work of sophisticated cybercriminals. In fact, a shocking number of data breaches are caused by a company’s own employees who accidentally share, misplace or mishandle sensitive data” (Forbes). When hiring an employee, the risk of sharing private data increases significantly and doesn’t have to involve cyber criminals. While there are several laws to protect the use of private data and hold companies accountable these laws can’t protect consumer and users from security flaws. For this is why companies and consumers need to practice good cybersecurity hygiene. Cyber hygiene should be taught in schools, onboarding programs, and companies should hold refresher trainings as well to ensure employees don’t forget the importance of data protection. While putting the protections in place and training employees will help mitigate risk it is vital to have a recovery plan in place. All threats can’t be detected or blocked but being able to recover will help keep customers, employees, and stakeholders safe and happy.

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