Entry 3

Describe four ethical issues that arise when storing electronic information about individuals.

As the world evolves, it has been made easier to store people’s personal information by using different technologies such as cloud storage. Since this information is stored electronically now, there is a concern about how the information is stored. Considering this information is now stored electronically it is at risk for data breaches and can be an insecure way of storing information which is a disruption of trust and it also violates ethical principles. Four of the ethical principles that this violates include: Inappropriate use of data, Keeping an individual’s personal information longer than needed, Selling some of customer’s personal information to third-party companies, and not announcing breaches of data that deal with customer’s personal information. This lack of ethical and professional culture will definitely impact the company or businesses reputation because they are not keeping individual’s personal information safe. To ensure the proper security measures are taken to properly secure an individual’s information, there needs to be some ethical oversight. The uncertainty and confusion that is involved with storing an individual’s data needs to be completely removed and replaced with a clear ethical code, so individuals know exactly what is going on. For this new ethical code to successfully work, there needs to be a crystal clear list that explains exactly what the individual’s personal information will be used for and how it will continue to be used for the current business and the future business. When collecting individual’s data there needs to be answers to any question the individual may ask like: “How will my data be stored?,” “Who will have access to my data?,” and “What security measurements are in place to protect my data?” By providing the answers to these questions it is showing that the business has integrity, confidentiality, and availability for data. Overall, unethical use of an individual’s personal data is a violation of terms of consent and should not be done.

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