Entry 13

How should we approach the development of cyber-policy and -infrastructure given the “short arm” of predictive knowledge? The “short arm” of predictive knowledge is basically the viewpoint and ethical conduct of each situation to be immediate and since there’s no way to know if you future repercussions of a decision made there’s no way to…

Entry 12

How does cyber technology impact interactions between offenders and victims? According to cyber cramps studies and researchers cyber victims against traditional crimes are more likely to be called offenders. With a cyber policy that is in place right now without a complete investigation of the cyber incident, it is highly difficult to define the victim…

Entry 11

What is the overlap between criminal justice and cybercrime? How does this overlap relate to the other disciplines discussed in this class? As time goes on the line between criminal justice and cybercrime have become more and more blurred due to technology becoming more advanced. The evolution of technology has been able to also evolve…

Entry 10

How do engineers make cyber networks safer? As engineers create cyber networks they can always be improved to maximize safety for hubris. The cyber networks consistently keep in touch with other Hubers to gain information on pass by for a text, so they can make updates to become less of a risk for future cyber…

Entry 9

Describe three ways that computers have made the world safer and less safe. Since the world has evolved to include more technology in our everyday lives, it is evident that computers have made the world safer in some ways and also less safe in some ways. Technology now affects nearly every aspect of someone’s life…

Entry 8

How can you tell if your computer is safe? Over the years technology has evolved, meaning it can do a lot more things than we are used to. However, with the computer doing a lot more things it is highly important to know if your computer is safe to be trusted with your personal information….

Entry 7

What are the costs and benefits of developing cybersecurity programs in business? As the world evolves, technology grows and cybercriminals look for new ways to steal information. Cyber incidents are the leading reason why businesses are losing millions of dollars. Cybersecurity is one of the biggest persistent issues, yet majority of businesses are not taking…

Entry 6

How has cyber technology created opportunities for workplace deviance? Cyber technology has created opportunities for workplace deviance because cyber-deviance has a wide range of actions from web surfing for personal reasons, wasting time, cyber bullying, internet harassment, and disclosing a company’s confidential and sensitive information. It was proven that cyber-deviance has persisted through organizations even…

Entry 5

Use the letters of the word CYBERSECURITY to list legal ways to make money in cybersecurity. Create an app that can encrypt any message easily Yacht software that can control the boat from a remote location Building a software firewall for a website  E-commerce transaction security  Recovery software that could help recover stolen cars Secure…

Entry 4

Compare cybersecurity risks in the U.S. and another country. Cybersecurity is a topic that is practiced worldwide by protecting Thank you, service, net worth, mobile devices, and the data stored in the devices from cyber attacks. Cybersecurity has become one of the biggest necessities in today’s world because it has evolved to become more digital….