
Lebensraum: The Nazi Geopolitical strategy  
Hitler developed a belief that Germany required Lebensraum (“living space”) in order to survive and thrive.  The invasion of Poland in 1939 was the lynch pin of the strategy. Below is a Nazi propaganda poster and map to advertise Lebensraum and encourage Germans to settle in the new territory.

Nazi map poster advertising that Germans are needed to settle the newly expanded German territory of lebensraum (formerly Poland & Czechoslovakia)

Propaganda map of Nazi Germany in 1940., showing the conquest of Poland parts of the Soviet Union. Note the pockets of German colonists resettled into the annexed territories. The red outline of Poland is also missing entirely.












The Holocaust in Maps (U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum)


Geographies of the Holocaust Initiative: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum’s Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies.


Interactive maps from PBS’ Auschwitz: Inside the Nazi State (Adobe flash required)


Click here for a 1944 map of Auschwitz


Stanford University Holocaust Geographies Collaborative


Jewish Virtual Library Holocaust & WWII Maps


The Holocaust in Contemporary Maps


Topography of Terror: Maps of the Warsaw Ghetto


Transports to Extinction: Holocaust (Shoah) Deportation Database: Yad Vashem 


The Map of Holocaust By Bullets: Yahad – In Unum