How has cyber technology created opportunities for workplace deviance?
In the modern-day world of technology, if not everything, a majority of information and articles are stored digitally. Digital storage may range from personal documentation/information to personal assets to passwords. These assets may consist of customer data, to trade secrets and even financial or legal information that is critical to the company’s daily operations and holds great importance to them. If these assets were lost, it would cripple the institution, potentially to the point where they are unable to recover. Therefore, within the past few years, businesses have started to adopt the idea of storing data digitally. With that being said, many of today’s businesses and banks have online processors and websites, and in order to maintain an effective business, cyber security professionals must be employed to protect its digital infrastructure. Since these individuals have the access to their digital security, they also have the access to everything stored within at their hands. This, these individuals deployed to protect the company’s digital infrastructure may selfishly act on their own, selling private information to third-party deviant buyers. Similarly, these individuals may be deployed by one company’s competitor to gain access to their trade secrets for profits or influence them at their own interests. Or in some cases, one may seek to sabotage the digital presence of a company entirely. This is done by removing or deleting data within the digital infrastructure. By doing so, it can cripple or entirely shut down a company in case if they are entirely online. With the digital world being immensely vast in today’s era, anything can be done, both ethically or unethically. Anything can be forged as well, so a company would be blind to at times when hiring a cybersecurity professional. This would be the common flaw a new company would suffer from when hiring such individuals.
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