Entrepreneurship and Failure

Entrepreneurship is not an art nor is it a specific science. Entrepreneurship is a knowledge-based practice that is used to solve problems across various disciplines. The connections between disciplines addressing entrepreneurship at Old Dominion University lie in the interdisciplinary nature of entrepreneurship in and of itself. The field of entrepreneurship is interdisciplinary in that it draws knowledge and skills from various different disciplines in order to solve problems. Entrepreneurship, especially those working in cybersecurity, will require a strong understanding of technology, business, marketing, finances, management, ethics, among various other knowledge and skills in order to effectively address entrepreneurial challenges.

Some ethical issues that might arise from what I am working on in ensuring that any data collected from users is being stored safely and that the data collection policies are transparently understood to all users. It is the responsibility of the company’s cybersecurity department to ensure that all cybersecurity measures are operational and secure to prevent unauthorized third-party access to confidential, personal private information. Cybersecurity is a constant cat and mouse game between cybersecurity professionals and cyber-criminals, so it is important that cybersecurity professionals take steps to test their security measures to ensure there are no vulnerabilities for cyber-criminals to exploit. In the inevitable event of a cybersecurity attack or data breach, there exists an opportunity for growth and improvement to cybersecurity policies and practices. By analyzing the point of failure, cybersecurity entrepreneurs will be able to modify the existing cybersecurity venture to be more resilient and secure.

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