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I wish we had another week… or month, I’m not picky

Yesterday, as I was on my way home, I started to feel a little lonely. I don’t live on campus anymore, haven’t for about a year and a half now. So before you come to conclusions, we all get that feeling every now and then lol … No seriously, when I got home I didn’t know what to do. I called my friend, she didn’t answer. I called my other friend, he didn’t answer. So I said to myself, “I know who WILL answer. My mother!” Guess what?! SHE DIDN’T ANSWER EITHER! 🗣 Now I know that the semester has started and people are going back to work and all but ya’ll, I need attention ðŸ˜‚ I just decided to grab a snack and just be studious to distract me and you won’t guess what happened. My laptop decided to just stop working, like all together! Not only were people NOT answering my phone calls, but now I couldn’t do my work!

I took a second and thought to myself that there are other students out there who may be feeling the same way or experiencing the same issues I was last night and felt I should share with ya’ll some solutions.

To tackle the loneliness: Join some organizations. Go outside of your comfort zone and put yourself out there! Talk to random people on campus. See someone sitting along at a table in the library, ask to join them in studying (yes, ya’ll probably aren’t studying the same subjects, but you’re meeting new people!). Just don’t get too distracted from your studies, just get involved enough to where you don’t feel too lonely. Have a great balance!

To tackle the laptop issue: Go to the library and use the desktops or rent a laptop (The first floor during the week is typically open for 24 hrs to ODU students). Go to the cyber loft on the second floor in WEBB above Starbucks. There are also computers by the SAC and SGA office in the WEBB you are able to use!

Don’t let your current emotional state get you down, think of the positives and some solutions to make it better. Easier said than done, I know, but everything is worth giving it a shot! 

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