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Give It All You Got

One of the most important lessons I have learned since starting my college journey is to give 100% of your effort into everything you do. It doesn’t matter how small the task because your actions are a reflection of you. By giving all of your effort into each task, you are showing that you are consistent and reliable. These are two traits that will carry you far in school, and in a future career.

When you are trying new things, like a different sport, subject in school, or starting a new job it is also important to give 100% of your effort. By doing this, you are able to truly decide if it is something you want to continue, or if it is something you know will not work for you. If you slack on something, you might not feel you have given it your best shot, and may have regrets.

Other times it is important to give your full attention, is when what you are doing affects others. As mentioned before, reliability is key when you are working with other people either at work, or even on a class project. Therefore, by putting everything you have into your work, you will not only help others, but also help yourself.

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