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Optimism is Your Friend

As this new semester is starting you may be feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or even unmotivated. Classes that are online can be tough to get through, especially if you are someone that focuses better in the classroom. Don’t worry because you are not alone!

I know myself, and many others have been feeling the same way, but I can assure you there is a solution to help relieve some of the feelings you may be having. My solution is to keep a positive, or optimistic mindset about each situation you’re in. I know this is easier said than done in some cases, but by maintaining your mindset, it can feel easier to control the environment around you. Keeping consistent with this trick can seriously help you work through what needs to be accomplished.

An example of this may be that you just checked Blackboard and saw you have a writing assignment due in a few days, but you haven’t been able to come up with a topic. Instead of allowing yourself to push it off, or giving a half-made effort, take the opportunity as a challenge. Use your ODU resources; pull up a database, and start looking for topics that actually interest you. Of course pace yourself if need be, but don’t give up because you may not have an instant answer.

Bottom line: allow yourself to have a positive and optimistic mindset and it will help set you up for success.

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