Software Development: Career Paper

Job Description

According to National Initiative for Cybersecurity Careers and Studies, a Software Developer “develops, creates, maintains, and writes/codes new (or modifies existing) computer applications, software, or specialized utility programs” (Software Development | NICCS, n.d.). In layman’s terms, software developers create applications that society utilizes today. They also ensure that the software they create is secure and complies with the company’s regulations.

Software developers learn one or multiple programming languages to make software. The top certifications requested for software developers are CompTIA Security+ (Sec+), IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL), Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), and more (Cybersecurity Career Pathway, n.d.). The certifications ensure they have the basic and required knowledge to be part of the company. 

Relation to Social Science

Software development utilizes social science to improve products and services (Speranza, 2019). Companies make products that users may use. However, only successful companies understand the underlying problem in user interaction with their service. User Experience (UX) is essential when designing software or service. Users want to utilize the product while being easy to use. Users want to avoid finding essential things under multiple buttons, which would cause dissatisfaction. Instead, companies should look into using human-centered design. A human-centered design puts a real person as a basis for developing products (Landry, 2020). 


Cybersecurity Career Pathway. (n.d.). Cyber Seek. Retrieved November 11, 2022, from

Landry, L. (2020, December 15). What Is Human-Centered Design? | HBS Online. Business Insights Blog.

Software Development | NICCS. (n.d.). National Initiative for Cybersecurity Careers and Studies. Retrieved November 11, 2022, from

Speranza, S. (2019, June 3). User Research: What is the role of social sciences in software development? | by Stefi Speranza | Wolox | Medium. Medium; Wolox.

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