Hacking Scenes in Movies Compared to Reality

            Hacker Rates 12 Hacking Scenes in Movies and TV, a video that is part of Insider’s How Real Is It? series on their YouTube channel, details different hacking scenes from various TV series and movies and then having an actual professional in the cybersecurity field critique how realistic the scenes are. After viewing the video, I feel as though it exemplifies the overdramatization of cybersecurity in films and TV. This overdramatization is obviously done for a reason, to get and keep the viewer’s attention. But I feel as if the examples that are more dramatized than the others contribute to the public’s already skewed perception of the field by further appealing to it. One incorrect aspect that I think is shown the most by these scenes is that hacking is done relatively quickly, which could further imply that the act of hacking into a system is much easier than it is in reality.

            With this being said, there were examples in this video that were mostly correct in the terminology and methods used. I feel that these scenes are more enjoyable personally, given that this makes the scene more realistic and immersive. On the other hand, I can recognize the need for visual and dramatic appeal, which even if incorrect, can still be highly enjoyable.

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