The Social Media Disorder Scale

               I find it incredibly interesting that the DSM-5 defines, and has criteria for, a disordered social media user. This diagnosis addition really emphasizes how important social media has become to modern everyday life. I think the criteria questions are very thorough and cover different areas of where social media could be interfering with one’s life. I think that they are similar to questions asked to determine a diagnosis of substance addiction and find that very telling of modern society’s dependence on social media. I personally only scored with one “yes” answer, which was answered to the question “Do you often use social media to escape from negative feelings?”, which I admittedly do at times. However, even though I only answered yes to one of these questions, I know many people who would fit the criteria for the diagnosis of a disordered social media user and feel as though many of those in the general public would as well.

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