Instructions: Selection
For this cover page on your artifacts, you will provide a list of links to the 6-8 assignments you are using to represent your mastery of the ALA-AASL 2019 School Librarian Preparation Standards
In addition to these links, you will show the matrix that matches your artifacts to the components in the ALA-AASL 2019 Standards. A template of the matrix is provided for you to complete. You should select 6 to 8 assignments from your coursework which represent accomplishing all 18 components of the 5 standards from the ALA-AASL Preparation Standards.
In completing the matrix and indicating which artifacts represent each element, do not go for breadth in your coverage of elements. In other words, do not indicate as many elements as you possibly can with each artifact. Your selection of artifacts should be purposeful and specific, indicating which artifacts represent which elements without attempting to prove your accomplishment of each element as many times as possible.
To assist with the selection of artifacts, refer back to the objectives indicated in each course syllabi, which are representative of the ALA-AASL Standards.
Instructions: Walkthroughs
For two of the artifacts, you will need to create a multimedia overview. The artifacts that you choose for these video descriptions should be excellent representations of your work and your progress toward the many roles that school librarians complete. Your walkthroughs should cover at least two ALA-AASL Standards (i.e., do not choose two artifacts for walkthroughs that only represent elements in Standard 2 on literacy and reading). Some of your artifacts will cover a number of elements, while others may only cover a couple of elements. It will likely be more appropriate to choose two of the more comprehensive artifacts to present in your overview videos.
As with your introduction on the first page of the ePortfolio, there are a number of ways to accomplish this video. It may include a screencast, static images on slides of different parts of the artifact, or another sort of visual representation of your work. The video should be dynamic and interesting, covering the different aspects of the artifacts and how completion of the artifacts have moved you toward preparing you for your work as a school librarian. The content should be direct and succinct, focusing not on the details of the artifacts, but how those artifacts are indicators of your future work.