What is an ePortfolio?
The Conference on College Composition and Communication’s Position Statement on ePortfolios (2015) describes ePortfolios as, “thoughtfully arranged collection[s] of multimedia-rich, interlinked, hypertextual documents that students compose, own, maintain, and archive on the Internet or in other formats.” ePortfolios are collections of artifacts, accessible electronically. Those artifacts could be term papers, presentations (video, powerpoint, etc.), images, work documents, reflections, blogs, mp3’s or any form of digital item used to demonstrate learning or acquired skills.
Students in English Department general education courses (ENGL 101, 110C, 112L, 114L, 211C, 221C, and 231C) are required to curate and submit an electronic portfolio (ePortfolio) of representative writing that demonstrates all learning outcomes for the class.
What goes in a student’s English Gen Ed ePortfolio ?
ePortfolios should include clean copies of student work, without comments, edits, or grades, according to the following checklists:
ENGL 101 (a comprehensive ePortfolio is required for ENGL 101, separate from the portfolio requirement for 110C):
- a prologue outlining how and why the specific Studio Goals were selected,
- focused reflections that discuss how each Studio Goal was achieved with a relevant sampling of their work on each,
- and finally an epilogue that reflects on the process of working towards the goals during the semester.
ENGL 110C:
- At least three high stakes assignments emphasizing practice in the types of rhetorical situations you will encounter in college: expressive, expository, and persuasive discourse written for a variety of audiences.
- A reflective essay discussing the work you did and the class and how it represents your mastery of the course’s student learning outcomes
ENGL 211C/221C/231C:
- At least three high stakes assignments emphasizing an incremental introduction to research, critical inquiry, and argumentation.
- A fully-documented research paper (a minimum of 2000 words)
- A reflective essay discussing the work you did and the class and how it represents your mastery of the course’s student learning outcomes
ENGL 112L/114L:
- A literary analysis paper or project (a minimum of 750 words)
- A reflective essay that comments on how 5-6 diverse selections from the course appealed to you, challenged your thinking, and/ or exposed you to different ideas (a minimum of 750 words)
At minimum, a Google Drive folder containing these artifacts should be shared with the English Department at the end of the semester. Some instructors may choose to incorporate ePortfolios into their courses and/or assign showcase ePortfolio websites. Students can submit their Gen Ed ePortfolios using this form or this QR code.
ePortfolio Tutorials and Resources
The Office of Academic Success Initiatives & Support at ODU provides ePortfolio and Digital Media Support, and they have created a number of online tutorials and other resources to help you access, create, upload, and share your ePortfolio, whether through a Google Drive folder of your work (the minimum requirement) or a showcase ePortfolio made with other digital media.
ePortfolio Help
Need help curating, creating, and sharing your ePortfolio? Schedule an Appointment with one of the ePortfolio Assistants located on the second floor of the Student Success Center, Room 206. ePortfolio Assistants can help you with navigating Google Drive and other digital media and are available for either online or in-person appointments.