April, 2024
YR2 Lab graduate student, Kinjal Patel, was the recipient of the 2024 ODU College of Sciences Outstanding MS Thesis Award for her Master’s thesis titled “Nightmares and self-injury among high-risk adolescents: Examining the role of emotion regulation”.

Pictured from left to right are Gail Dodge (Dean of College of Sciences), Kinjal, Cassie, and Lesley Greene (Associate Dean for Graduate Studies).
YR2 Lab members Sunday and Camille and lab alumni Jackie presented at the Anxiety and Depression Association of America’s annual conference.

Pictured from left to right are Sunday, Camille, and Jackie in front of Camille’s poster titled “Examining associations between rejection sensitivity, relationship quality, and acceptance of sexual and gender minority identity among adolescents at high-risk for suicide.”
YR2 Lab member Kinjal presented at the Society for Research on Adolescence annual meeting in Chicago, Illinois.

Kinjal presenting her poster titled “Investigating negative emotion dynamics and suicidal thoughts in high-risk adolescents.”

Dr. Courtney Bagge (collaborator), Kinjal, and Taylor met up at the 2024 Midwestern Psychological Association.
October, 2023
EVMS Clinical Research Assitant Jacob Beene and YR2 Lab members Emelyn Auad and Abigail Luce presented at EVMS’ Annual Research Day.

Pictured from left to right are Jacob, Emelyn, and Abigail presenting their poster titled “Multi-Site Assesment of Risk for Suicide in Youth: Feasibility and Acceptability of Intensive Research with High-Risk Youth”
May, 2023
YR2 Lab members Kinjal Patel and Abigail Luce traveled to the Association for Psychological Science’s Annual Convention in Washington DC.

Kinjal presenting her poster titled “Negative Affect is Associated with Self-Injurious Thoughts: A Real-Time Monitoring Study with High-Risk Adolescents.”

Abigail presenting her poster titled “Examining the Relationship Between Facets of Emotion Regulation and Non-Suicidal Self-Injury.”
April, 2023
YR2 Lab members Raksha Kandlur and Kinjal Patel presenting some of their recent work.

Raksha presenting her poster titled “Resource Needs and Disparities Among University Members During COVID-19” at the Society for Public Health Education 2023 conference in Atlanta.

Kinjal presenting her poster titled “Sleep Problems and Self-Injurious Thoughts Among High-Risk Adolescents: Exploring the Role of Negative Affect Intensity” at the 2023 Annual Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence in San Diego, California.
March, 2023
YR2 Lab member Kelsie Allison presented a symposium titled “First-generation college student identity and well-being. Identity among minoritized groups, and links to health and functioning” at the Society for Research and Child Development 2023 biennial meeting.

Kelsie and her mentor Dr. Alan Meca pose in front of a SRCD sign.
November, 2022
YR2 Lab members and alumni Emelyn Auad, Nathan Hager, and Dr. Jackie Kearns presenting research at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Convention in New York City.

Project coordinator Emelyn Auad presenting her poster titled “Exploring the Relationship Between Parental Bonding, Self-Derogation, and Non-suicidal Self-Injury in Adolescents”

Lab alumni Nathan Hager presenting his poster titled “Examining a Neural Measure of Attentional Bias to Emotional Faces in Social Anxiety and Depression”

Lab alumni Dr. Jackie Kearns presenting her talk titled “Examining Cognitive and Affective Mechanisms Linking Sleep Problems to Suicidal Thinking among High-Risk Adolescents”
May, 2022
Graduate students Kinjal Patel, Raksha Kandlur, and Jackie Kearns gave presentations at the Association for Psychological Science conference in Chicago, IL.

Kinjal and her poster entitled “Sleep Problems and Nonsuicidal Self-Injury Among High-Risk Adolescents: Examining the Role of Emotion Regulation”.

Raksha and her poster entitled “Campus Racial Climate and Mental Well-Being Among College Students: The Role of Feeling Valued, Sense of Belonging, and Racial Saliency”

Jackie and her poster entitled “Patient Narratives of Their Suicide Attempt Leading to Hospitalization: An Examination of Lexical, Sentiment, and Emotional Characteristics”

Jackie giving a talk entitled “Improving our Assessment and Understanding of the Sleep-Suicide Relationship among High-Risk Adolescents”
April, 2022
Emily Han and the Rochester branch of the YR2 Lab (Erika Esposito, Alana Eisenberg, and alumna Annie Duan) at the University of Rochester Undergraduate Research Expo.

Emily presented her poster titled: “Racial disparities in psychotherapy use among Asian, Asian American, and White domestic students with suicide ideation” including YR2 Lab co-authors Raksha Kandlur and alumna Emily Kumpf.
March, 2022

Research assistant, Emily Han, represented the YR2 Lab at the Society for Research on Adolescence (SRA) conference in New Orleans. Great job, Emily!
February, 2022
Congratulating YR2 Lab graduate student, Jackie Kearns, on accepting a postdoctoral fellowship at the Boston VA – National Center for PTSD!
December, 2021
Congratulating YR2 Lab graduate student, Kelsie Allison, on the successful defense of her master’s thesis titled “Validation and measurement invariance of a first-generation college student identity scale”!
September, 2021
The YR² Lab and Kleiman Lab at Rutgers have received a grant from the National Institute of Mental Health (R34 MH123590) to test the effectiveness of digital cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia (dCBT-I) among suicidal youth during the high-risk post-hospitalization period. Title: Digital Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (dCBT-I) to Reduce Suicide Risk among Youth Following Discharge from Acute Hospitalization (MPIs Kleiman and Glenn).
September, 2021
Our recently funded grant examining the link between social stress and suicidal behavior among adolescents was featured in News @ ODU
September, 2021
See Dr. Glenn’s interview with the Center for Faculty Development FacTalk – Old Dominion University
August, 2021
The YR² Lab welcomes a new master’s student, Taylor Kalgren, to the the Psychology MS program at Old Dominion University. Taylor received her B.A. from ODU. Her current research interests include how to achieve resiliency in children who have experienced trauma or mental illness. Her interests were solidified while completing a practicum placement at a domestic violence shelter. Taylor plans to use her MS degree to gain research experience and prepare her for a PhD program in Clinical Psychology.
August, 2021
The YR² Lab welcomes a new doctoral student, Kinjal Patel, to the Virginia Consortium Program in Clinical Psychology at ODU. Kinjal earned her B.S. in Psychology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2019. As a graduate student, Kinjal is interested in examining the interactions between interpersonal stressors, biological processes, and cognitive-emotional mechanisms during adolescence to predict suicidal behavior. In addition, she hopes to study youth suicide risk among diverse populations to better understand and decrease mental health disparities.
August, 2021
The YR² Lab welcomes Emelyn Auad, who will be the Project Coordinator for the new Multi-site Assessment of Risk for Suicide (MARS) Study. Emelyn graduated from Hunter College CUNY, where she majored in Clinical Psychology and minored in Spanish. Her main research interests focus on suicidal behaviors in racial/ethnic minority adolescents. Her previous research examined the effects of impulsivity and parental emotional reactions on suicide ideation and attempts. She plans to pursue a PhD in Clinical Psychology in the future.
July, 2021
Our recently funded multi-site federal grant was featured in ODU news: ODU Psychologist and Colleagues Receive Multi-Million Dollar Grant to Research Teen Suicides « College of Sciences News
July, 2021
YR² Lab Graduate Student, Erika Esposito, was awarded the distinguished Lisa Flanagan Grossman Memorial Award. This award recognizes the scholastic accomplishments and potential of exceptional graduate and undergraduate students who are committed to the work at the Mount Hope Family Center (in Rochester, NY) and to the children and families served, as well as to the advancement of knowledge in the field of child abuse and its prevention. Well-deserved honor, Erika!
July, 2021
YR² Lab Graduate Student, Raksha Kandlur, was recently awarded a prestigious 3-year fellowship from the SREB-State Doctoral Scholars Program! This competitive fellowship is awarded to students based on their proven record of research accomplishments, honors, and service, and who have great potential to pursue an academic career. Congratulations Raksha!
June, 2021
The YR² Lab, Dr. Evan Kleiman at Rutgers, and Dr. Richard Liu at Mass General Hospital have received a grant from the National Institute of Mental Health (R01MH124899) to examine how interpersonal stress increases risk for suicidal behavior among youth during the high-risk post-hospitalization period. Title: Clarifying Proximal Mechanisms Linking Interpersonal Stressors to Suicidal Behavior in Youth: A Multi-informant Real-time Monitoring Study (MPIs Kleiman, Glenn, and Liu). See ODU story about this grant here.
September, 2020
Our recent ecological momentary assessment (EMA) study examining short-term risk for suicide among youth during the high-risk post-hospitalization period, funded by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP), was featured on AFSP’s website. Find out more here.
August, 2020
The YR² Lab welcomes a new doctoral student, Raksha Kandlur, M.A., to the Virginia Consortium Program in Clinical Psychology at ODU. Raksha’s primary research interests focus on the interplay of stressful life events, cognitive mechanisms, and (mal)adaptive coping related to short term suicide risk. Her secondary interests focus on utilizing multi-modal approaches to gain a comprehensive understanding of suicidal thoughts and behaviors, treatment engagement, and mental health disparities among underserved populations in the US and globally.
December, 2019
Erika Esposito, graduate student in the YR² Lab, was just awarded a Visionary Fund Grant ($19,000) from the American Psychological Foundation for her project, “Suicide Risk Among Transgender Youth: A Multimethod, Multi-informant Examination of Gender Identity”. This grant will examine how multiple dimensions of gender identity among transgender youth impact suicidal thoughts and behaviors, and how parent invalidation related to gender identity specifically increases risk for suicidal thoughts and behaviors among these youth. Congrats Erika!
May, 2019

Erika Esposito (pictured left) and Drew Porter (pictured center), both graduate students in the YR² Lab, recently presented on their 2nd-Year Projects, titled “Predicting Suicidal Thinking among a Clinical Sample of Adolescents using the Interpersonal Theory of Suicide” and “Poor Discriminant Validity Between Self-Report Measures of Self-Esteem, Shame, and Self-Criticism: Implications for the Measurement of Self-Evaluation,” respectively. Congratulations, Erika and Drew!
June, 2019
Jackie Kearns, a graduate student in the YR² Lab, received a 2018-19 Summer Mamie Phipps Clark Diversity Graduate Research Grant from Psi Chi to support her project, “Clarifying the Nature of Attentional Bias to Suicide-Related Information.” Congratulations, Jackie!
May, 2019
YR² Lab celebrates its graduating Class of 2019 Seniors!

May, 2019
Research Assistants Emily Kumpf and Anne Boatman from the YR² Lab presented research posters at the University of Rochester Undergraduate Research Expo. Congratulations to you both for all your hard work!

Emily Kumpf presented on Mental Health Treatment Gaps Among College Students: A Quantitative and Qualitative Examination of Barriers to Treatment.

Anne Boatman presented on A Meta-Analytic Review of Global Suicide Rates in Adolescents. Congratulations to you both for all your hard work!
Summer, 2019
Two research assistants in the YR² Lab, Damin Paik and Sarah Pursell, have both received University of Rochester Discover Grants to conduct research over the summer with Dr. Catherine Glenn. Congratulations to you both!
Spring, 2019
Drew Porter, a graduate student in the YR² Lab, presented his poster, Poor Negative Emotion Differentiation Predicts Increased Desire for Suicide in Recently Hospitalized Youth, at the annual meeting of the Society for Research in Childhood Development.
Spring, 2019
Jackie Kearns, a graduate student in the YR² Lab, gave a research talk, PTSD-Related Nightmares Outperform PTSD Diagnoses and Insomnia Symptoms as a Predictor of Suicide Attempts in Veterans. This talk was part of a symposium, Neurobiological and Behavioral Markers of Suicidality in Veterans with PTSD, at the 39th annual meeting of the Anxiety and Depression Association of America.

Summer, 2018
Emily Kumpf, a research assistant in the YR² Lab, was the recipient of a Psi Chi 2018-19 Mamie Phipps Clark Diversity Research Grant for her honors thesis, “The Relationship Between Mental Health, Treatment Utilization, and Stigma in a College Student Population.” Congratulations, Emily!
June, 2018
A new article from the Association for Psychological Science discusses the potential application of machine learning in preventing suicide among those at high risk. Dr. Cassie Glenn is quoted highlighting the importance of such a tool, with the potential to help clinicians more accurately predict increased suicide risk.
Read the full article, “Scientists Turn to Machine Learning to Save Lives”.
June, 2018
Jackie Kearns (pictured below, third from the right), a graduate student in the YR² Lab, recently presented on her 2nd-Year Project, titled “Clarifying the Nature of Attentional Bias in Suicidal Individuals.” Congratulations, Jackie!

June, 2018
A recent article published in Science News discusses real-time monitoring for suicide research, and quotes Dr. Cassie Glenn. The article also covers one of the YR² Lab’s current studies, in addition to current projects by Evan Kleiman Ph.D. (Harvard University, YR² Lab collaborator), involving real-time monitoring.
Read the full article, “Phone apps are helping scientists track suicidal thoughts in real time.”
Drew Porter, MEd, was the recipient of the American Psychological Foundation’s 2018 The Trust Eric A. Harris, EdD, JD Grant to support his project, “Does Ecological Momentary Assessment of Suicidal Thinking have Iatrogenic Effects on Suicide Risk?” Congratulations, Drew!
Summer, 2018
Emily Dudek, Anne Boatman, and Devin Robinson, three research assistants in the YR² Lab, received Discover Grants to fund their summer research working in the YR² Lab with Dr. Cassie Glenn.
Lizzy Finer, another research assistant in the YR² lab, also received a Discover Grant to fund her work this summer with Dr. Martha Pitman in the Cytopathology Lab at Massachusetts General Hospital.
Congratulations all!
Drew Porter, MEd, received a 2017-18 Spring Graduate Research Grant from Psi Chi to support his project, “Examining the Utility of Emotional Self-Criticism for Predicting Nonsuicidal Self-Injury, Disordered Eating, and Suicide Ideation.” Congratulations, Drew!
Dr. Cassie Glenn was recently named a Rising Star by the Association for Psychological Science! See the full list of 2017 APS Rising Stars here.
New research conducted by Katie Insel at Harvard University in collaboration with Dr. Cassie Glenn recently appeared in BBC News. Read the full study published in Nature Communications here.
November, 2017
Drew Porter, MEd, a graduate student in the YR² Lab, presented his poster, The Differential Association of Self-Criticism and Shame-Proneness with the Presence and Frequency of Nonsuicidal Self-Injury (NSSI), at ABCT 2017. Read the full poster here.

November, 2017
Drew Porter, MEd, a graduate student in the YR² Lab, presented his poster, Self-Esteem, Shame-Proneness, and Depressive Symptoms: A Latent Variable Analysis of Unique Associations, at ABCT 2017. Read the full poster here.
October, 2017
Dr. Cassie Glenn chaired a symposium at IASR 2017 titled, Improving Understanding of Suicide Risk in Youth: Answering Questions of How, Who, and When, including her individual talk titled, Implicit Identification with Death Predicts Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors in Youth.
October, 2017
Jackie Kearns, a graduate student in the YR² Lab, presented her poster, Nightmares Prospectively Predict Suicide Attempts in an Inpatient Psychiatric Sample of Military Veterans, at IASR 2017. PDF version available here.