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CYSE 201s

Michelle Cabral

Journal Entry 15

Digital Forensics | Davin Teo | TEDxHongKongSalon – YouTube Watchthis video and think about how the career of digital forensicsinvestigators relate to the social sciences. Write a journal entrydescribing what you think about the speaker’s pathway to his career. Davin… Continue Reading →

Journal Entry 14

Andriy Links to an external site.SlynchukLinks to an external site. Links to an external site.has described eleven things Internet users do that may be illegal. Review what the author says and write a paragraph describing the five most serious violations and why… Continue Reading →

Journal Entry 13

A later module addresses cybersecurity policy through a socialscience framework. At this point, attention can be drawn to one typeof policy, known as bug bounty policies. These policies payindividuals for identifying vulnerabilities in a company’s cyberinfrastructure. To identify the vulnerabilities,… Continue Reading →

Journal Entry 12

Read this https://dojmt.gov/wp-content/uploads/Glasswasherparts.com_.pdf sample breach letter“SAMPLE DATA BREACH NOTIFICATION” and describe how twodifferent economics theories and two different social sciencestheories relate to the letter. Regarding the sample data breach document, two economic theories that relate are Marxian economic theory and… Continue Reading →

Journal Entry 11

Watch this videoLinks to an external site..  As you watch the videohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYtmuHbhmS0Links to an external site. , think about how the description of the cybersecurity analyst job relates to social behaviors.  Write a paragraph describing social themes that arise in the… Continue Reading →

Journal Entry 10

Read this and write a journal entry summarizing your response to the article on social cybersecurity  https://www.armyupress.army.mil/Journals/Military-Review/English-Edition-Archives/Mar-Apr-2019/117-Cybersecurity/b/Links to an external site. It comes to no surprise to me that social cybersecurity is at the forefront of the DoD. Without limiting… Continue Reading →

Journal Entry 9

Complete the Social Media Disorder scale How did you score?  What do you think about the items in the scale?  Why do you think that different patterns are found across the world?  I only answered yes to one of the nine… Continue Reading →

Journal Entry 8

Watch this video and pay attention to the way that movies distort hackers.Hacker Rates 12 Hacking Scenes In Movies And TV | How Real Is It? – YouTubeLinks to an external site. After watching the video, I believe that, much… Continue Reading →

Journal Entry 7

Review the following ten photos through a cybersecurity human systems integration framework.Create a meme explaining what is going on in the individual’s or individuals’ mind(s). This meme relates to human systems integration framework due to the need for user education…. Continue Reading →

Journal Entry 6

Can you spot three fake websites and compare the three fake websites to three real websites, plus showcase what makes the fake websites fake?  Upload this journal entry into your ePortfolio.  Note: Don’t generate/access or click on any unwanted/fake websites… Continue Reading →

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