Protecting Your Property

5 Factors to Consider When Protecting Your Property

Protecting your property and protecting your family goes hand in hand, since your house may be able to provide shelter from most weather conditions and perhaps even severe conditions. It’s never too early to prepare, and you can take several basic steps right now to protect your family and your home from disaster. By strengthening your house, you can reduce the risk of damage to your home and possibly reduce insurance premiums. The amount of protection your house can provide from a natural hazard is limited by a number of factors that you should very carefully consider:

The Severity of the Hazard Event

Protecting your home against a northeaster or a tropical storm is much easier than against a major event such as a Category 2 hurricane. For stronger storms, eliminating all damage is very difficult, so the main goal is to significantly lessen the amount of damage that could occur. Each and every small improvement you invest in your home can make a difference. The more small improvements you make to your home, the less likely there will be severe damage during minor events.