Old Dominion University Campus
ASERT was implemented on the Old Dominion University (ODU) campus as part of the Race 2 Monarch Ready (R2MR) Pilot Project funded by the Commonwealth Center for Recurrent Flooding Resiliency. The R2MR was implemented on the ODU campus to help the university community prepare for severe weather events by providing information about and engaging faculty, staff, and students in activities that support risk awareness and assessment, preparedness and, ultimately, resilience. The R2MR provided a test bed for the gamification component of ASERT.
The R2MR incorporated learning about flooding (and other hazards) and preparedness while participants earned points and competed amongst their peers.
- R2MR coupled active learning and social learning mechanisms to motivate learning about and action to address risks, and gamification to encourage preparedness.
- Participants earn points by engaging in actions to improve resilience. The ability to earn points was a motivator and intrinsic reward for participants to be more engaged in building resilience.
- Each week, a points champion and a “mover of the week” were recognized and received prizes such as ODU t-shirts, mugs, or notebooks.
- R2MR utilized Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to engage participants via social media that was free, easy to use, and interactive.
Using the hashtag #MonarchReady, participants joined in the conversation on preparedness.

R2MR participants sharing their preparedness (left), resilience activities via social media (middle) and showing off rewards received by completing resilience-enhancing activities (right).
- Report: A Gamified Approach to Building Resilience: The Race 2 Monarch Ready Pilot Project.