Steering Committee

Career Pathways is led by a program director and governed by a Steering Committee.  The Steering Committee includes faculty and student representatives from the different academic colleges, and other university organizations such as the Graduate School, Career Development Services, and the Strome Entrepreneurial Center.  Representatives from Norfolk State University also serve on the Steering Committee.  Several graduate students are on the Steering Committee, ensuring that the student perspective is represented.  If you are interested in serving on the Steering Committee, contact Wie Yusuf, Director, Career Pathways Program and Steering Committee Chair.

Steering Committee for Academic Year 2021/2022

Dr. Wie Yusuf, ODU, Public Service, Chair

Oge Agim, ODU, Public Service (PHD STUDENT)

Dr. Orlando Ayala, ODU, Engineering Technology

Abbie Basile, Libraries

Sabrina Boisvert, ODU, International student (PHD STUDENT)

Dr. Abby Braitman, ODU , Psychology
Dr. Desi Hacker, NSU, School of Graduate Studies and Research

Alice Jones, ODU, Career Development Services

Dr. Regina Karp, ODU, GPIS

Dr. Jomo Mutegi, ODU, Teaching and Learning

Dr. Chris Osgood, ODU, Biology

Dr. Patrick Sachs, ODU, Medical Diagnostics and Translational Sciences
Sharon Scannell, ODU, Strome Entrepreneurial Center

Dr. Sachin Shetty, ODU, VMASC and Modeling & Simulation

Megan Strowger, ODU, Psychology (PHD STUDENT)

Elizabeth Smith, ODU, Graduate School

Dr. Wie Yusuf, ODU, Public Service, Chair

Oge Agim, ODU, Public Service (PHD STUDENT)

Abbie Basile, Libraries

Dr. Orlando Ayala, ODU, Engineering Technology

Murat Balci, ODU, Engineering Management and Systems Engineering (PHD STUDENT)

Dr. Abby Braitman, ODU , Psychology

Dawn Driesbach, ODU, GPIS (PHD STUDENT)
Nancy Grden, ODU, Strome Entrepreneurial Center

Dr. Desi Hacker, NSU, School of Graduate Studies and Research

Hannah Hou, ODU, Higher Education (PHD STUDENT)

Alice Jones, ODU, Career Development Services

Dr. Regina Karp, ODU, GPIS

Briana Morris, ODU, ePortfolio/CHIP (STUDENT)

Dr. Chris Osgood, ODU, Biology
Sarah Pedigo, ODU, Criminal Justice (PHD STUDENT)

Dr. Ariel Pinto, ODU, Engineering Management and Systems Engineering

Dr. Phil Reed, ODU, STEM Education and Professional Studies

Kelly Romano, ODU, Psychology (PHD STUDENT)

Dr. Patrick Sachs, ODU, Medical Diagnostics and Translational Sciences

Dr. Sachin Shetty, ODU, VMASC and Modeling & Simulation

Elizabeth Smith, ODU, Graduate School

Steering Committee for Academic Year 2018/2019

Dr. Wie Yusuf, ODU, Public Service, Chair

Dr. Chris Osgood, ODU, Biology

Dr. Joyce Armstrong, ODU, Center for Faculty Development

Dr. Orlando Ayala, ODU, Engineering Technology

Dr. Suely Black, Norfolk State University, Chemistry

Dr. Abby Braitman, ODU, Psychology

Dawn Driesbach, ODU, GPIS (PHD STUDENT)
Nancy Grden, ODU, Strome Entrepreneurial Center

Alice Jones, ODU, Career Development Services

Dr. Regina Karp, ODU, GPIS

Ali Can Kucukozyigit, ODU, Engineering Management (PHD Student)

Dr. Harold Lee, NSU (POST-DOC)

Dr. Phil Reed, ODU, STEM Education and Professional Studies

Vanessa Peters, NSU (STUDENT)
Dr. Arial Pinto, ODU, Engineering Management and Systems Engineering

Emily Pratt, ODU, Public Service (MPA STUDENT)

Asha Ralph, ODU, Criminal Justice (PHD STUDENT)

Dr. Daniel Russell, ODU, Physical Therapy and Athletic Training

Dr. Sachin Shetty, ODU, VMASC and Modeling & Simulation

Elizabeth Smith, ODU, Graduate School

Amy Stamates, ODU, Psychology (PHD STUDENT)

Steering Committee for Academic Year 2017/2018

Wie Yusuf, ODU, School of Public Service, Co-Chair

Christopher Osgood, ODU, Biology, Co-Chair

Joyce Armstrong, ODU

Orlando Ayala, ODU, Engineering Technology

Suely Black, Norfolk State University, Chemistry

Abby Braitman, ODU, Psychology
Liz Eliason-Carey, ODU, Public Administration (STUDENT)

Nancy Grden, ODU, Strome Entrepreneurial Center

Luisa Igloria, ODU, MFA Creative Writing Program/English

Alice Jones, ODU, Career Development Services

Dale Miller, ODU, College of Arts and Letters

Arial Pinto, ODU, Engineering Management and Systems Engineering
Asha Ralph, ODU, Sociology and Criminal Justice (STUDENT)

Daniel Russell, ODU, Physical Therapy and Athletic Training

Sachin Shetty, ODU, VMASC

Amy Stamates, ODU, Psychology (STUDENT)

Barbara Winstead, ODU, Psychology