Past Career Pathways Events

Previous Career Pathways workshops and events have been recorded and are available for students as resources.

You can access archived videos of previous Career Pathways events here (Login using your MIDAS or access as a GUEST).

You can also view these previous workshops and events on Career Pathway’s YouTube channel. This YouTube channel offers several playlists that organize Career Pathways events by targeted topics, including:

Developing Effective Writing Assignments: How to Design Assignments for Courses You Teach

How do you link the writing assignment to course contents and learning objectives?
How do you build in low stakes assignments and activities to improve student success?
How can you provide more useful student feedback?

This hands-on interactive workshop, led by Ms. Remica Bingham-Risher and Dr. Wie Yusuf, focusing on how you can develop writing assignments that help your students learn, while making your job as a teacher easier. It would be helpful to have a sample course syllabus (from a class that you’re taking or that you would like to teach) to work on.
November 1, 2019.

Workshop slides

Sample objectives

Assignment template
Workshop on Copyright and Authors’ Rights

How does copyright affect you as a user of materials? Do you use copyrighted materials for your classes? For your scholarly or creative works? Can I use this photo for my online course? Can I show this video in class? Can I post these journal articles for my students to read?

Do you produce copyrighted materials? Do you (or plan to) publish journal articles, book chapters or books? What are my rights as an author? Can I publish my work on my website? What’s an author’s addendum? How can it help me?

Ms. Karen Vaughan (University Libraries) addressed these questions and many more.
September 17, 2019.


Know your copy rights

ODU fair use checklist
Grant Writing Essentials for Graduate Students

This workshop for graduate students, hosted by the ODU Office of Research, addresses the following essential questions:
(1) How to assess funding opportunities?
(2) What to look for in Requests for Proposals (RFPs)?
(3) How to determine if there is a match?
(4) What goes into a grant proposal?
March 22, 2019.


Workshop slides

Sample RFP

Analyzing grant opportunities
Becoming a Skilled Researcher

This panel, moderated by Ali Can Kucukozyigit (PhD student in Engineering Management), focused on (1) addressing key skills graduate students should develop to be effective researchers, (2) Providing strategies and advice for building research skills, and (3) Discussing resources available to build your research skills and support your research.

Panelists include: Dr. Sachin Shetty (Virginia Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation Center), (2) Dr. Regina Karp (Graduate Program in International Studies), (3) Dr. Harold Lee (NSU), and Ms. Abbie Basile (University Libraries).
November 2, 2018.

Teaching Elements of the Job Search

This workshop focuses on how to prepare for a teaching-focused academic job search. Pragati Rawat (PhD student in Public Administration and Policy) moderated the panel that included Dr. Orlando Ayala (Dept. of Engineering Technology), Dr. Daniel Russell (Physical Therapy & Athletic Training), and Dr. MaryCatherine McDonald (Dept. of Philosophy).

Panelists discussed teaching elements of the application packet and interview, such as teaching materials to include in the application packet, classroom demonstration, and the teaching job talk.
March 23, 2018.

Making it through the Home Stretch

This workshop focuses on student success in the home stretch period following completion of coursework. Panelists will address key challenges of stress, anxiety, and uncertainty, and how to establish relationships with faculty advisors and develop self-reliance and discipline.

Panelists include: Dr. Randy Myers (Sociology & Criminal Justice), Dr. Debbie Major (Psychology), Jane Roitsch (Graduate Student, Communication Disorders & Special Education), and moderator Donta Council (Graduate Student, Public Administration & Policy).
March 2, 2018.

Work-life Balance

This panel discussion about work-life balance focused on why work-life balance is important, why it is difficult to achieve, and what strategies and advice you can use to have work-life balance.

Graduate student Jamila Glover (Graduate Program in International Studies) moderated the panel that included: Dr. Sara Maxwell (Biological Sciences), Dr. Stephen Lanivich (Management), and Dr. Steve Myran (Educational Foundations and Leadership).
November 3, 2017

Teaching Advice From The Trenches: A Teaching Workshop Led By Graduate TAs

In this panel discussion, Graduate Teaching Assistants Sarah Ehlke (Psychology), Jamie Durbin (Biological Sciences) and Brittany Samulski (Physical Therapy & Athletic Training) addressed teaching-related issues by highlighting their experiences as GTAs. The discussion focused on the challenges and surprises they encountered, sources of support, and lessons learned.
October 20, 2017.

Grantwriting Basics for Graduate Students

This workshop for graduate students, hosted by the ODU Office of Research, will include: (1) Orientation to GrantForward and how to use it to search for funding opportunities, (2) Assessing funding opportunities, (3) Overview of a grant proposal, and (4) Resources for grant seekers.
April 7, 2017.


Workshop slides
The inside scoop on publishing

Through this workshop, you will (1) Gain insider insights on publishing in peer-reviewed journals and books, (2) Learn about different publication outlets and the publishing processes, and (3) Get tips from journal editors, editorial board members, and authors.

Presenters include (1) Dr. Adrian Gheorghe, Batten ColleWorge of Engineering & Technology, (2) Dr. Bill Judge, Strome College of Business, (3) Dr. Michael Pearson, Batten College of Arts & Letters, (4) Dr. Bryan Porter, College of Sciences, and (5) Ms. Corrie Marsh, University Libraries.
November 11, 2016


Predatory publishing

Negotiating publisher contracts
Technology, Techniques, and Tips from Top Teachers

The event featured a panel of top teachers from ODU who each discussed creative ways to transform the classroom to allow for better faculty-student engagement. Each panelist addressed issues that they’ve encountered while teaching in different formats: online (synchronous and asynchronous), and in-person; each panelist then presented different successful approaches they’ve used to mitigate those issues. Topics:
Flipped classroom: Michele Weigle, Computer Science
Teaching large classes: Jennifer Younkin, Psychology
Project-based learning: Dan Greenwood, Center for Learning and Teaching
Effective strategies for grading: Beth Vincelette, English
Basics of course design: Helen Crompton, Education
SCALE-UP approach: Charles Sukenik, Physics
Peer review: Jennifer Kidd, Education
October 14, 2016

Flipped classroom

Teaching large classes

Project-based learning

Effective strategies for grading

Basics of course design

SCALE-UP approach

Peer review
Appreciating & leveraging diversity

In this workshop faculty shared their perspectives, experiences, and strategies related to appreciating, valuing, and leveraging diversity and inclusion inside and outside the classroom.

Workshop presenters: (1) Dr. Ed Gomez (College of Education), (2) Dr. Kimberly Adams Tufts (College of Health Sciences), (3) Dr. Jennifer Kidd (College of Education), Dr. Jeffrey Toussaint (College of Arts & Letters). This workshop was offered as part of the CLT Summer Institute on Teaching and Learning.
May 18, 2016

Managing Your Digital Identity

This workshop covers 3 topics:
Digital identity: Why it matters, how it matters, what should I manage? – DR. RICHARD LANDERS
Does it really matter? The search committee perspective – DR. JOYCE ARMSTRONG
Tools for showcasing the digital YOU: What is an ePortfolio and how can I use ODU WordPress to create one? – MS. MEGAN MIZE
February 26, 2016.


Workshop slides
The New Faculty Experience: Perspectives from the Trenches

This panel addresses issues relevant to the transition from graduate student to new faculty. The focus is on the challenges and surprises encountered during the first few years as a faculty member, resources or support, and tips and advice from new ODU faculty currently “in the trenches”.

Panelists include: Dr. Vanessa Panfil, College of Arts and Letters; Dr. Chung Hao Chen, College of Engineering and Technology; Dr. Chris Glass, College of Education.
October 23, 2015.

Ethical Dilemmas in Teaching

This workshop includes the presentation and discussion of competency and ethical priniciples, faculty panel discussion of the ethical challenges and dilemmas faced by faculty as teachers (both inside and outside the classroom), and panelist/participant analysis of selected scenarios.

Participating faculty include: Dr. Philip Langlais, ODU College of Sciences (presenter and panelist), Dr. Ed Gomez, ODU College of Education (panelist); Ms. Carla Harrell, ODU College of Arts and Letters (panelist); Dr. Sidika Nihal Colakoglu, NSU School of Business (panelist).
October 9, 2015.
Words of Wisdom from GPDs and Faculty Mentors

This event shares the wisdom of Doctoral Mentoring Award winners, GPDs, and Faculty Mentors from across ODU. They share tips, advice, and strategies for succeeding in your academic program, interacting with faculty and colleagues, completing your thesis/dissertation, and preparing for an academic career.

Panelists include: Dr. Robert Wojtowicz, Associate Vice Provost for Graduate Studies; Dr. Linda Bol, Professor, College of Education; Dr. Andres Sousa-Poza, College of Engineering and Technology; Dr. Bryan Porter, College of Sciences.
March 27, 2015.
Grantsmanship for Graduate Students

This event focuses on grant writing, and includes breakout sessions with the Office of Research staff exploring grant funding across industry, academia, and the non-profit/foundation sectors. Dr. Karen Eck presents an overview of grant writing.
March 20, 2015.
Ethics in Collaborative Research

Faculty panelists share their collaborative research experiences and discuss ethical challenges such as the following questions: Why do faculty pursue collaborative research efforts? What are advantages of collaborative research? What are ethical challenges that may arise during collaborative research? How can these challenges be overcome?

Panelists include: Dr. John Ford, Strome College of Business; Dr. Holly Gaff, College of Sciences; Dr. Burton St. John III, College of Arts and Letters, Dr. Ginger Watson, College of Education; moderated by Dr. Wie Yusuf, Chair, PFF Program.
September 26, 2014.
Thinking about Careers: Reflections from the Field

Confused about what to do with your graduate degree? Not sure if the tenure-track path is for you? Want to explore career options within and outside academia? This interactive event will introduce you to different career paths within and outside academia, beyond the traditional tenure-track.

This event provides a panel discussion about different career options and factors to consider in deciding on a career path and offers small group discussions with panelists. Have you thought about a career in the community college systems or pursuing teaching options as a lecturer or instructor? What about a career in student services? How about post-doctoral research experience or working for a research center? Thinking about a more administrative path? Panelists share their experiences and perspectives about a range of career options.
March 28, 2014.
Strategies for Success in the Academic Job Search

This event focuses on successfully navigating the academic job search process. The emphasis is on helping students understand the academic job search process and providing advice, tips, and strategies for succeeding in this process. This workshop includes presentations on:

The Academic Job Search Process by Dr. Robert Wojtowicz (Associate Dean for Research & Graduate Studies, College of Arts & Letters)

Effective Use of Technology by Dr. Richard Landers (Dept. of Psychology, College of Sciences)

Tips and Strategies for Success by Dr. Katrina Stevens (Dept. of Urban Studies and Public Administration, College of Business & Public Administration)
February 21, 2014.
Making it through the Home Stretch

This event focuses on student success in the home stretch period following completion of coursework while students work on the final stages of degree completion. Many students struggle with managing this part of the graduate education process where they need to be self-disciplined and self-reliant while studying for comprehensive exams or working on the thesis or dissertation.

Many students also struggle with defining and establishing their relationship with their faculty advisors. Stress, anxiety and uncertainty are also key challenges during this stage of the process. In addition, absent the formal course structure, some students face difficulties with time management.

Panelists include: Dr. Rick McKenzie, College of Engineering and 2013 Doctoral Mentor Award Recipient; Dr. Lindsay Usher, College of Education; Lauren Browning PhD candidate, College of Sciences; Amana Katora, MFA graduate student, College of Arts & Letters.
November 8, 2013.
Classroom Management

Sometimes teachers must make decisions beyond what to teach and how best to teach it. Many beginning teachers raise questions about how to manage the dynamics of the classroom: What do I do if a student causes a disruption? How can I keep control of the class? What techniques can I use to ensure students stay on task?

But classroom management means more than just maintaining control over the class. It is about being able to keep students constructively involved in the process of learning, and establishing an environment that allows them to learn and participate freely.

Four panelists share their classroom management experiences and strategies. Panelists are: Dr. Joyce Armstrong, Center for Learning and Teaching; Dr. Shelley Rodrigo, College of Arts and Letters; Dr. Charles Sukenik, College of Sciences; Dr. Jeffrey Toussaint, College of Arts and Letters.
September 20, 2013.
Balancing Work/Family Responsibilities in Academia

In this video Dr. Debra Major. Professor of Psychology, provides an overview of research findings supporting the value of collaboration in building a research program. This is followed by a panel discussion of the issues surrounding collaboration.

Panelists include Dr. Major as well as Wie Yusuf, Assistant Professor, Urban Studies and Public Administration, Andrew Gordus, Associate Professor of Spanish, and Shana Pribesh, Associate Professor, Educational Foundations and Leadership.
November 2, 2012.
Collaborations: Working with Others to Increase Your Research Productivity

This video features presentations by three faculty members involved in collaborative research programs. They discuss the strengths and the challenges of multidisciplinary research. The presentations include:

Jenifer Alonzo, Assistant Professor, Communication and Theatre Arts, “Building Communication in Research Collaborations”.

Stacie Ringleb, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering “Finding Collaborators and How to Work with Them Efficiently”.

Rodger Harvey, Professor and Chair, Ocean, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences. “The Role of Trust in Interdisciplinary Research Projects”.
September 28, 2012.
Working with Students with Disabilities: What Can and Should You Do?

This event includes Dr. Beth Ann Dickie, Acting Director, ODU Office of Academic Accessibility, who provides an overview of the resources available at ODU to support faculty working with students with disabilities. This is followed by a panel discussion in which faculty discuss challenges they have encountered in the classroom.

Faculty panelists are:
Jill C. Dustin, Associate Professor, Department of Counseling and Human Services;
Ann Maydosz, Associate Director, The Commonwealth Special Education Endorsement Programs, The Virginia Consortium for Teacher Preparation in Vision Impairment;
Jennifer Younkin, Chief Departmental Advisor, Department of Psychology;
Francis Adams, Chair and Professor, Department of Political Science and Geography.
February 10, 2012.
Enhancing Learning Through Technology: If You Can’t Beat Them . . .

In this workshop, Ms. Alice Jones of the Career Management Center, first provides an overview of “What Do We Mean by Learning and How Can Technologies Help?” Then, Dr. Yuping Liu-Thompkins, Marketing, then discusses and demonstrates the use of “Social Media in Teaching”. Finally, Dr. Jennifer Kidd, Department of Teaching & Learning, demonstrates the use of technology in the classroom in “Voice Thread and Videos in Engaging Students with Digital Media”.
November 4, 2011.
Testing and Evaluation: Preparing Assessments & Evaluating Learning

This event features three faculty members discussing different aspects of assessment.
Dr. Jack Robinson, Associate Professor, Educational Foundations and Leadership, talks about “What Should I Use? Choosing Different Means of Assessment”.
Dr. Tim Bostic, Visiting Assistant Professor in Professional Writing and Mr. Matt Oliver, Lecturer & Director of IDS Professional Writing Programs, discuss “Assessing Learning through Writing”.
Mr. Charlie Daniels, Lecturer, Engineering Management and Systems Engineering, reviews “The Pros & Cons of On-Line Testing and Assessment”.
September 30, 2011.
Grant Writing: Pathway to Success

This event features Dr. Karen Eck, Director of the ODU Office of Research Development, talking about how to successfully travel the “Yellow Brick Road” to grant funding. She provides suggestions for finding funding, describes that anatomy of a grant proposal, and lists critical things to remember in preparing your grant application.
February 4, 2011.
Grant Writing: Being Well Positioned

This event features Helen Fillmore, Grant Writer for the College of Sciences at Old Dominion University, discussing “Things I Wish I would have paid Attention to as a Graduate Student and Post Doc”. She provides important tips on how to turn good ideas into funded research.
February 4, 2011.
Ethical Dilemmas in Teaching: Making the Close Calls in the Classroom

This workshop presents faculty panelists and attendees discussing eight classroom dilemmas. These include issues of Confidentiality, Interpersonal Relations with Students, Making Exceptions for Students on Religious Grounds, Self-Disclosure in the Classroom, Providing Counseling to Students, Writing Letters of Recommendations, Give Extra Credit, and Teaching Evaluations.
November 12, 2010.