Essential Requirements for Cybersecurity: Technology and Training


Cyber threats are constantly evolving, and the safeguarding of important assets require
adequate cybersecurity technology and training. Not only do we have to consider outside
threats, but we also must acknowledge that a poorly trained staff/team contributes to
exploitations of vulnerabilities in a cyber infrastructure. Allocation of funds needs to be
set for appropriate cybersecurity technology and training to significantly decrease
breaches and cyber violation

Technology Invites Cyber Threats

It is common knowledge that with technological advances, cybersecurity risks and
threats also advance and evolve. With the expanse in cybersecurity fields, it is
simply supply meeting demand. The more technology and computers needed to
maintain an organization, the more cyber threats and crimes will increase. As
mentioned before, we do not only have to consider outside threats but also the
insider ones. According to Collins et. al., a way to deter crimes within organizations
is by exercising crime scripts (2011). These scripts “outline the various steps
potential offenders would need to execute in order to circumvent security
measures…these scripts allow security officers to devise countermeasures… (Collins
et. al., 2017, p. 795). Knowing the who and why a person would commit an attack
can be beneficial in identifying your own vulnerabilities and ensuring gaps are
corrected. Collins et. al. also provides data that reflect millions of record breaches
due to hacking, insider threats, misuse/mishandling devices across sectors like
healthcare or education (2017). Companies and organizations need to make
appropriate investments in their cybersecurity programs.

Comprehensive Budget – Cyber Tech and Training

When it comes to an efficient cybersecurity infrastructure, a cost-benefit analysis
would be necessary to see what is appropriate for implementation. Documents like
the NIST are effective guidelines and standards that are tailorable protocols and
recommendations given depending on the companies’ risks (Nieles et. al., 2017).
“By using these standards, organizations can reduce costs and protect their
investments in technology” (Nieles et. al., 2017, p. 55). Using recommendations/standards like the NIST, it can assist with meeting the necessary technology without shaving off cost with critical components. Some components that the NIST suggests are electronic signatures to limit alterations of files, physical security to monitor and protect assets and audits to identify vulnerabilities (Nieles et. al., 2017). Also recommended by NIST, training is a crucial element for a cyber staff to ensure that the scope of their job is fully understood (Nieles et. al., 2017). “Initial and ongoing training is a cost of successfully incorporating security measures into support and operations activities” (Neiles et. al., 2017, p. 51). We can have all the fancy gadgets to support our cyber infrastructure but without the
appropriate training to complement, it can be an unsuccessful endeavor.


A failsafe cybersecurity program can be attained with reasonable cost that still
protect our companies. By understanding the ins and out of identified threats,
staying up to date with information on cybersecurity and implementing an
appropriate dedicated budget to enhance our cyber programs, we can surely aim at
minimizing costly damage control. Overall, we can save money by implementing
measure to stave security breaches as much as possible. Without effective
cybersecurity, the cost to repair, retrain, or reorganize will cost more in the end.
Cyber threats happen in all types of institution or organization, but resources and
cost-effective materials can still add adequate protection and ultimately protect
company assets.


Collins, J., Sainato, V.A., & Khey, D.N. (2011). Organizational data breaches 2005-2010:
Applying SCP to the healthcare and education sectors [Modules]. Canvas@ODU.

Nieles, M., Dempsey, K., & Pillitteri, V.Y. (2017). An introduction to information
security. [Google Docs]. Canvas@ODU.

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