Technical Descriptions Assignment

Instructor Name: Jackie Mohan

ODU English Department Course Number: ENGL 231c

SLOs Addressed: A. Develop Rhetorical Knowledge, C. Develop Effective Strategies or Processes for Drafting Texts, D. Develop Knowledge of Conventions

Instructor Notes: This is the second assignment that my 231C students complete, with the focus on writing for multiple different audiences, each audience with specific needs. They also get to write about anything in their particular field, to help build confidence and utilize their personal interests and knowledge. We complete this assignment after watching several of the WIRED 5 Levels Challenge videos (check them out on YouTube–they’re great!), completing video responses, and discussing in class how the speaker adjusts their communication for each audience. This way, students have already seen the concept modeled several times before they try it out themselves in this assignment.
