The Problem Heather Weddington, Chief Departmental Advisor for the English department, has contracted my classmates and me to create informational graphic flyers for the advising department. She would like these flyers to increase student retention by illustrating step-by-step what students need to do to graduate under their concentration. I will […]
digital design
3 posts
As a means of applying your reading in Eats, Shoots, and Leaves, download and complete the mechanics exercises in this file folder (link). These mechanics exercises are nearly 15 years old and they’re not great examples of document design. What aspects would you revise or redesign to better fit today’s […]
1. What experiences, if any, have you had designing and/or developing print or digital documents that integrate words and images (brochures, newsletters, flyers, reports, web sites, etc.)? Please list and describe any projects you have worked on and the technologies used to produce them. I have had a number of […]