FR 495: La grande guerre – WWI in Film

The main objective of this course was to be able to identify the aesthetic  relation between cinema and history, and the different vehicles cinema uses to convey various ideological views. Three main projects were based on an analysis of a cinematic scene by dissecting each of its elements; a sequence analysis of a movie and writing a thesis paper; and a research paper based on the application of all sequence analysis skills on multiple films with a common thesis. Below are my best efforts attempted in the course:

The methodology research project was an opportunity to inquire the correlation between genre tropes and the technical camera work required to produce a good film in said genre. The sample below focuses on the detective genre and how it's narrative was translated on two movies: "La vie et rien d'autre" and "Un long dimanche de fiançailles." In the second tab, the presentation sample present was used for an oral presentation in class where the thesis of the paper was condensed into the main points to consider.