Why are you taking this class?
I am actually enrolled in this course for a few reasons. The first major reason that I am in this course is because I need one last upper level course to be finished with my departmental requirements for my degree. As a major in COMM, I have been interested more so in the business side of communication more than the the interpersonal aspect of it, although that is interesting too, so I hope this course will give me a taste of that. Lastly, I was referred to this course by Professor O’Hallarn, who happens to be teaching this course, because I told him that I want to pursue a career in sports communication after I obtain my degree and this should give me some great knowledge if I decide to continue down that path.
What do you like about sport?
I think there’s so much to like about sport, but for me personally I think the most interesting part about sport is the sense of brotherhood one can feel as a fan when watching their selected teams. I am a big time hockey fan and my favorite sports team is the New York Rangers and I love meeting new hockey fans regardless of if they like my team or not. It’s great to meet new people and hear what teams they like, what their criticisms and praises of the teams around the league are and learn about how they became a fan. Additionally, this brotherhood extends beyond the human connection too as I have ventured into online forums surrounding my team and I think it is incredible to find so many likeminded fans who love to support the very team I have loved ever since I got into the game. It’s incredible to me to see how one thing can bring so many people together and how sport can even bring an entire country together such as when President Bush threw out the first pitch at Yankee Stadium just days after the attacks of 9/11. Sport does so much in connecting individuals and giving people things to look forward to and this part of it is just fascinating to me.
What do you want readers of this blog to know about you?
I want readers of this blog to know that I like to have fun with all of the things I do. I tend to do things my own way and add my own unique touches to mine to make my things mine. So perhaps on a blog in the future there may be a slogan as an added flair and that will become a staple of the blog further down the line. I don’t try to be the most unique and neat person in the room, but it always brings me a smile whenever I can do something in my own way and add my own touches to it because it gives it a more personable feel in my eyes and I hope my readers will feel more connected to my posts because of this.