Over the past 4 or so months, I have been enrolled in COMM 462: Sport and Strategic Communication with Professor O’Hallarn. In this class, I feel like I have grown my professional and person writing skills to the next level. I think that some of the best writing I had ever done for this class…
The Quest – “Balling with Ben”
Since 2019, viewers of Local 3 News in Chattanooga, TN have been treated to basketball segment titled “Horsing Around” hosted by Ben Bobick. In this segment, Ben runs brief interviews and converses with local athletes, both college and high school, while playing games of HORSE with them. Since he began, he has only won one…
Blog 3 – Molson Moves Over
As of the time of writing this blog, the PWHL is currently in its inaugural season and many of the high end talents are flashing their talent to make a name for themselves in this new environment. However, there has been an issue on some of the athletes’ minds; How do we get recognized if…
Don’t Be The Weakest LinkedIn
In this infographic, you will find the information that I gathered from a interview with Local 3 News Sports Director, Ben Bobick. We went over a multitude of things including where he’s been, what he’s done, what he does now and what he needs in order to do it. To round things out and give…
Blog Post 2: Connections to Course Readings
Prompt 1: As with anything in life, things will change over time. The sports media landscape is not excluded from this train of thought either as we have seen how there has been a change in trends regarding the most popular outlets for sports fans to get their media from. About 20 years ago, TV…
Social Media Persona – “The Self Loathing Rangers Fan”
#ODUCOMM462 woke up to find out NYR lost to SJS in OT with a 2 goal lead. It’s looking like it’s gonna be one of those mornings. — Nick Mastrocco (@NMastrocco29165) January 24, 2024 For this blog, I have showcased some of the tweets that I have posted on my newly created Twitter (or X)…
The Sport Media “Diet” Evolution
Over the past decade, especially the last 5 years, the sports media landscape has changed dramatically and with this so have my viewing habits when it comes to sports media. To preface this entire blog, I am a die hard hockey fan and a huge fan of the New York Rangers, so if I’m sitting…
Blog Post 1: Introduction
Why are you taking this class? I am actually enrolled in this course for a few reasons. The first major reason that I am in this course is because I need one last upper level course to be finished with my departmental requirements for my degree. As a major in COMM, I have been interested…
“Making the Connection”
If there is anyone around who should know sports, it’s Ben Bobick from Local 3 News. For context, Ben is the Sports Director for Local 3 News, WRCB-TV, the local NBC affiliate in Chattanooga, TN. WRCB’s viewing area covers Chattanooga and the surrounding areas, including northwest GA and southeast Tennessee east to Murphy, NC. Hailing…